Our Vancouver child support guideline lawyers at MacLean Family Law Group know that child care costs can be a difficult task for a single parent when trying to balance work and family life. The financial strain on most single parent families makes staying at home almost never an option as both parents need to provide […]
Drawing on the depth and breadth of our expertise, we’ll help you distill the complicated so you can break through to strategic and positive family solutions.
Best* Vancouver Child Custody Lawyer Parenting After Separation Tips
Vancouver BC child custody, access and guardianship lawyer, Lorne MacLean, Q.C. welcomes changes coming to BC’s child custody and access laws designed to promote settlement and a more child focused approach to resolving issues involving parenting children after separation. Get us involved early on in your separation so we can move your case towards a […]
Common Law Couples Face Changing Reality
As published in “The Lawyers Weekly” magazine, April 6 2012 On the subject of common law couples rights wills and estates, and on opposite sides of the country, there are different views on unmarried partners. For common law couples in most provinces, the reality is they aren’t married in the eyes of the law when […]
Section 15 Child Custody and Access Psychologist Investigations And Reports
The Vancouver child custody and child parenting time and access lawyers of MacLean Family Law whose offices are located in Surrey, Vancouver, Fort St. John, and Kelowna, would like to discuss what can happen after a s. 15 custody and access report is completed and given to both parties. S. 15 reports are reports done under […]
BC Unequal Family Property Division
On March 18, 2013, the law in British Columbia will change with the new Family Law Act and the Courts will be required to divide all property, that is not excluded property, “equally” between the spouses (or common law partners) unless it is “significantly unfair” to do so. This is a change from the old […]
Best Vancouver Divorce Lawyer Tips
Best Vancouver Divorce Lawyer Tips help you understand how and what to do to increase your chances of a successful outcome in your Vancouver divorce and separation case. The steps you take before and after separation should follow our Best Vancouver Divorce Lawyer Tips set out below. We have offices across BC and in Calgary and […]
BC and Canadian Frozen Embryo Family Dispute Lawyers
Lorne MacLean, Q.C. of the MacLean Family Law Group were in Vancouver Supreme Court today on a precedent setting frozen embryo custody dispute injunction case. MacLean successfully obtained an injunction on behalf of a wife to keep the 4 embryos frozen pending trial in June 2013 so they are not destroyed before this emotion laden […]
Vancouver Interim Emergency Family Law Applications and Orders for Custody, Support and Property
Interim Vancouver Family Orders and Applications can include temporary BC family law decisions relating to the payment of spousal support, child support, control and access to property, control of bank accounts, and often most importantly, access and custody of children. Vancouver Supreme Court Makes Emergency Interim Family Law Order for Child Custody & Access when […]
Vancouver BC Variation Of Spousal Support Material Change of Circumstances
Variation of Vancouver spousal and child support only happens if there is a material change of circumstances since the making of the original support order. A material change is one that: if known at the time of the original order would have caused a different amount or duration of support to be ordered. The test […]
BC Family Property and Bankruptcy: What Happens When the Bankrupt Hides Assets Then Claims Them Later During Divorce?
Vancouver High Net Worth Family Asset Property, Bankruptcy, Creditor and Family Debt Lawyers BC business persons and professionals are often advised to ensure their assets are protected from creditors claims by having them owned by their spouse, a third party, or a different entity. Our family lawyers warn spouses that under the BC Family Relations […]