2016 Top* Calgary Divorce Lawyers Update MacLean Law’s top* Calgary divorce lawyers announce our expansion of our high net worth family law firm into downtown Calgary, Alberta. You can call us at 403 444 5503. Starting June 1, 2016 Lorne MacLean, Q.C. and the rest of our highly rated BC and Calgary Alberta family law team will […]
Drawing on the depth and breadth of our expertise, we’ll help you distill the complicated so you can break through to strategic and positive family solutions.
BC Spousal Support Review Orders Under The With And Without Child SSAG Formula Vancouver Spousal Support Family Lawyers
Vancouver spousal support review lawyer, Lorne MacLean, Q.C., helped set the Canadian law on spousal support reviews in the Supreme Court of Canada’s national groundbreaking decision in Leskun. Mr. MacLean also successfully terminated spousal support for a former husband in the recent decision in Whitmore after a very short period of payment. 溫哥華和列治文評估優良家庭律師 Mr. MacLean’s […]
Highly Rated Vancouver Chinese and Mandarin Speaking Family Lawyers 溫哥華和列治文評估優良家庭律師
Our Chinese speaking family lawyers and Mandarin and Cantonese speaking family law department 溫哥華和列治文評估優良家庭律師 recently received high praise from one of our Mandarin speaking family law clients. If you speak Mandarin or Cantonese call our Mandarin Family Law hotline at 604 682 6466. Here is our client’s review 溫哥華和列治文評估優良家庭律師: “Mr. Lorne MacLean was the only lawyer who […]
Vancouver Iranian and Persian Farsi Family Lawyer
Vancouver Iranian and Persian Farsi Family Lawyer Vancouver Iranian and Persian family lawyer and Farsi speaking Vancouver family attorney looks forward to assisting top rated Lorne MacLean, Q.C. in serving the Iranian, Persian and Farsi speaking community in Vancouver, West Vancouver and North Vancouver. Call Ana directly at 778 754 1542 if you are Iranian and want to speak with […]
BC Enforcement of Court Orders and Contempt Lawyer MacLean
As BC Court Order Enforcement and Vancouver Contempt of Court in family law cases lawyers, we caution our clients to strictly comply with Court Orders made in their family law case. Conversely, we ask our clients help us to assiduously ensure their spouse also complies with Court Orders. Disobeyence of Courts Orders is a serious […]
BC uncontested divorce lawyer and family agreements family law forms change
As family lawyers we work to settle parties cases amicably and promptly and will often incorporate the deal the parties have reached into a desk order divorce with corollary relief. New Family law Rules forms related to this practice were very confusing to unrepresented parties- and to be frank- even to family law lawyers. We […]
Kelowna Family Lawyers, West Kelowna Mediators and Kelowna Collaborative Family Law
The Kelowna Family Lawyers and West Kelowna Family Mediation firm of MacLean Family Law Group welcomes senior family lawyer Audra Bayer to our Kelowna family law office. Audra has practised family law in Manitoba since 2000 and has built a strong and reputable practice. She has earned the reputation of being an effective lawyer and […]
The current and past step parent child support case law balanced the need for all “parents” including step-parents to support a child at the standard the child enjoyed in the intact relationships he was part of since birth. The concept of the biological parent having an equal if not higher burden than a step parent […]
BC Child Paternity Lawyer and Child Parentage Test Lawyers-How Do I Prove if I am The Father of A Child?
As top rated BC Paternity test and Vancouver parentage testing lawyers, we are often asked to help a party to a child custody and support proceeding prove their partner or they are a father to the child. Sometimes a parent resists their obligation to pay support because they have doubts that are a parent. IN […]
Vancouver Child Move Away, Child Mobility And Child Relocation Lawyers New BC Family Law Act Rules
BC child “move away” cases, also called Vancouver “child mobility cases” and also known as Kelowna BC child relocation cases, often lead to a no win situation for the child in these change in child custody guardianship situations says highly rated family lawyer Lorne MacLean, Q.C.. This is first of our two part series update […]