The Best Toronto Family Separation Lawyers help separating and divorcing spouses resolve matters promptly and fairly. Helping spouses and their children resolve family separation and divorce includes: obtaining a Toronto divorce resolving Toronto child custody, guardianship, parenting time, and parenting responsibilities issues calculating Toronto child support deciding entitlement, amount, and duration of Toronto spousal support […]
Drawing on the depth and breadth of our expertise, we’ll help you distill the complicated so you can break through to strategic and positive family solutions.
Best Toronto Divorce Lawyers
The best Toronto divorce lawyers handle medium to high net worth family law cases involving medium to high net worth financial matters and child custody and parenting time disputes. Our Toronto divorce lawyers operate from our 150 King Street West office in the downtown Toronto financial district. The best Toronto divorce lawyers focus on obtaining […]
Toronto High Net Worth Family Lawyers
Toronto High Net Worth Family Lawyers know that in high stakes “bet the bank” separations and divorces, skilled legal representation can maximize the results and make a real difference in settling spousal and child support and the division of business and personal net family property. Just as you would look to hire a realtor with […]
Unequal Family Property Division
Unequal family property division means one spouse receives more than the normal 50/50 division of family property. Section 95 of the BC Family Law Act allows for unequal division if equal division would be significantly unfair. But how does unequal family property division occur and how often? A key unequal family property division case was […]
Best Toronto Child Support Lawyers
The best Toronto child support lawyers work tenaciously to ensure correct income calculations are made and proper section 7 extraordinary and extracurricular expenses are fairly assessed. The worst mistake the best Toronto child support lawyers see is the careless use of “free” online calculators that often mistakenly perpetuate thousands of dollars of over or underpayments […]
How Does Toronto Spousal Support Work?
How Does Toronto Spousal Support Work? Our Toronto family lawyers get asked questions on Toronto spousal alimony more than any other area of family law. Our top-rated Toronto family lawyers help both paying and receiving spouses to set the correct amount and duration. Our experienced and winning family lawyers have appeared in the Supreme Court […]
Covid -19 Child Parenting Education Disputes
Covid -19 Child Parenting Education Disputes — What do Courts Consider When Making Decisions About a child’s education during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Kaye Booth of our Calgary office provides this blog to help separated parents deal with Covid-19 Child Parenting Education Disputes that may occur. Our lawyers act across Canada from our offices in Vancouver, […]
Restraining Financial Family Violence
Restraining Financial Family Violence is a critical component of protecting vulnerable separated spouses and children from emotional and financial harm. Personal protection orders protect family members from emotional violence which can include financial coercion. Property restraining orders to ensure money and assets are not hidden or wasted protect against the disposition of real estate, chattels, […]
Toronto Child Parenting and Contact Changes
Toronto child parenting and contact changes will be made soon under Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act. The Children’s Law Reform Act will be affected by amending archaic wording used concerning custody of and access to children. Custody, which may be sought by a parent or a non-parent, is changed to decision-making responsibility and may […]
Split Child Custody Parenting Time
Split Child Custody Parenting Time decisions are relatively uncommon. MacLean Law’s Split Child Custody Parenting Time lawyers act across Canada with family law offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Surrey Kelowna, Victoria, and Fort St John. We also have one of Canada’s largest Mandarin and Cantonese speaking family law teams in the nation. It can be […]