Vancouver Inadequate Family Financial Disclosure cases are unfortunately all too common. BC Family Judges now deal very sternly with failure to make full financial disclosure. Our offices have repeatedly caught and punished recalcitrant spouses who tried to hide income and assets. Our senior Vancouver family lawyers know that full financial disclosure is critical to enabling […]
Drawing on the depth and breadth of our expertise, we’ll help you distill the complicated so you can break through to strategic and positive family solutions.
Vancouver Probate Dispute Notice
Maclean Law’s estate litigation lawyers know that disputes often arise with respect to entitlement to a share in an estate, or management and distribution of an estate. Where a dispute arises, it may be necessary to proceed quickly in order to preserve assets or prevent the appointment on an unsuitable executor or administrator. Nick Davies, head […]
Designing Parenting Arrangements
This information regarding parenting rights, responsibilities, and arrangements is general in nature and not intended to be a substitute for legal advice. If you’re concerned about guardianship, designing parenting arrangements, or access to your child in relation to a separation or divorce, please contact MacLean Law at 1 877 602 9900. Lorne MacLean has struggled […]
Surrey Child Abduction Return Lawyers
Surrey Child Abduction Return Lawyers at MacLean Law deal with cases involving the denial of parenting time and the wrongful removal of a child from the child’s home base. These wrongful child removals may be within British Columbia or across Canada or even around the world. Robert McQueen, head of our Surrey Child Abduction Return […]
Top 5 Alberta Family Law Limitation Periods
Top 5 Family Law Limitation Periods in Alberta are key dates Calgary and Alberta family law litigants have to be aware of! Missing any of these limitation periods is catastrophic. Read this blog very carefully and do not procrastinate in your family law case. Lawsuits have fixed time periods in which a Court action must […]
Vancouver BC Hague Abduction Lawyers
Vancouver BC Hague Abduction Lawyers deal with cases involving disputes children who may have been wrongfully removed from another country. The Hague Convention on Child Abduction does not apply to cases where a child is taken to a new province or territory in Canada as these disputes are governed by sections 61, 64 and 72-79 […]
5 Ways To Reduce Divorce Separation Stress
5 Ways To Reduce Divorce Separation Stress strategies will help you and your children move forward successfully as winners after family separation. In today’s blog senior paralegal, Candice Pappenberger explains the ways you can move forward without getting trapped in the “blame game” or getting stuck feeling sorry for your self. Our top-rated* MacLean Law […]
IVF Frozen Embryo Dispute
IVF Frozen Embryo Dispute cases are becoming more common. Specific Canadian statutory sections and regulations require the consent of both “parents” without a current clause allowing the court to decide tough cases. Our skilled IVF Frozen Embryo Dispute lawyers predict a Charter of Rights challenge will be filed in the near future to enable a […]
Child Relocation, Mobility and Move-Away Laws
As highly experienced divorce and family law practitioners, the lawyers at MacLean Law know that when one parent needs child relocation and must therefore either leave children with a custodial parent or take them to the new home as part of their own custodial duties, this can be one of the most emotionally difficult situations […]
Joyce Model BC Parenting Order
Many BC parents want to understand how two involved guardians should structure decision making regarding their children after separation. To help separated parents we provide the following precedent for what is called the Joyce Model BC Parenting Order. Contact our child custody and parenting time lawyers to meet with us across BC and in Calgary. […]