Our experienced BC Presumption of Advancement Lawyers now advise that the final say on the Presumption of Advancement has come down from the Supreme Court of Canada. Spouses’ who register assets in joint names such as houses, bank accounts or investments should contact us immediately. Lorne N. MacLean, QC the founder of our top rated […]
Drawing on the depth and breadth of our expertise, we’ll help you distill the complicated so you can break through to strategic and positive family solutions.
Calgary Imputed Income Support Lawyers
Calgary Imputed Income Support lawyers at MacLean Family Law ensure that a person’s true income is used to ensure proper child and spousal support are paid. Calgary Imputed Income Support Lawyers ensure both paying and receiving spouses work to their full capacity given their education, skills, work history, health and age. Call our award winning Calgary […]
Calgary Grandparent Child Contact Lawyers
Calgary Grandparent Child Contact Lawyers help grandparents maintain a relationship with their grandchild when a relationship between the parents breaks down. our skilledCalgary Grandparent Child Contact Lawyersa also deal with situations where grandparents have “acted badly”. MacLean Law is a multiple winner of Vancouver’s best family law firm and now helps Calgary clients deal with child […]
Calgary Common Law Unjust Enrichment Lawyers
Calgary Common Law Unjust Enrichment Lawyers lawyers know property division rules for couples in adult interdependent relationships differ markedly from those for married couples. The best Calgary Common Law Unjust Enrichment Lawyers explain that the property division rules for common law marriage clients apply a test of unjust enrichment and joint family venture analysis. MacLean Family […]
Child Relocation within BC’s Lower Mainland
The top Child Relocation within BC’s Lower Mainland lawyers know that child relocation is one of the trickiest and hardest to decide of all child custody, parenting time and access cases. Moves to other countries or across Canada presents challenges of weighing the increased benefits of the moving plan for the child against the risk of […]
High Net Worth Grey Divorce Lawyer
High net worth grey divorce lawyer Lorne N MacLean, QC deals with silver separations and grey divorces where income and assets are significant but both parties may be nearing the end of their careers. As such, high net worth grey divorce lawyer, Lorne N. MacLean, QC, knows it’s critical no mistakes are made because there […]
BC Post Secondary Education Child Support
How does BC Post Secondary Education Child Support work in BC and Calgary? Maclean Law’s top rated BC Post Secondary Education Child Support lawyers deal with cases involving adult children who are taking post secondary education. MacLean Law’s BC Post Secondary Education Child Support lawyers have been rated the best family law firm in Vancouver […]
Canadian immigration sponsorship obligations
Surrey Immigration Support Dispute Lawyers deal with sponsor support obligations and support undertakings during divorce for spousal sponsorships. Call us now at 604-576-5400 to speak with our Punjabi and Hindi fluent team. Surrey Immigration Support Dispute Lawyers know that often many of our clients have fallen in love or have an arranged marriage with someone […]
Vancouver Exclusive Occupancy Family Lawyers
Vancouver Exclusive Occupancy Family Lawyers handle cases where one spouse wants exclusive use of the family home or vacation property. The Vancouver Exclusive Occupancy Family Lawyers at MacLean Law handle hundreds of family law cases and are very familiar with the strategies for successfully obtaining or opposing an exclusive occupancy application. Lorne MacLean, QC leads our […]
Family Law Financial Disclosure Lawyers
Our Family Law Financial Disclosure lawyers are pleased to see Ontario courts taking a firm stand on holding non-disclosing parties accountable in family cases. This case tracks recent success MacLean Law lawyers have had for their clients. Family Law financial disclosure lawyers understand that the ultimate sanction is to strike a parties’ pleadings so they […]