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Best Without Notice Family Orders Lawyers

When you have a high stakes emergency family law case, you need the best without notice family orders lawyers. These orders may include section 91, injunctions under the Supreme Court family rules and worldwide Mareva injunctions. It makes good sense to hire the Best Without Notice Family Orders Lawyers when the case involves millions and/or […]

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Managing Narcissists During Divorce and Separation

Managing Narcissists During Divorce and Separation is critical to allowing separated spouses and their children to move forward successfully to better times. In today’s blog Maclean Law senior family lawyer, Peter Graburn, explains how clinical narcissism affects separated families. Peter also provides tips on managing narcissists during divorce and separation. Many experts believe it is […]

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Prince Rupert Divorce and Family Lawyers

Fraser MacLean explains the definition of Family Violence under the B.C. Family Law Act (the “FLA”). Prince Rupert Divorce and Family Lawyers and Kitimat family lawyers handle all types of family law matters including divorce, separation, child custody, child and spousal support, and family property and debt division. Our top-rated Family Violence Protection Lawyers also […]

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Cranbrook Kootenay Family Lawyers

MacLean Law is one of Western Canada’s most trusted, and experienced family law firms. For over 40+ years, MacLean Law has represented clients throughout British Columbia. MacLean Law was founded in 1983 by Lorne MacLean, Q.C. Initially built on Lorne’s passion and calling for family law, the firm has experienced robust growth since its early […]

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Unjust Enrichment Family Lawyers

Unjust Enrichment Family Lawyers help married and unmarried family law clients obtain a just result. MacLean Law’s Unjust Enrichment Family Lawyers act across Canada with offices across BC in Calgary and downtown Toronto. The claim is useful in cases where corporate assets need to have liens registered against them even if family property claims can […]

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Toronto Common Law Property Rights Alert. Did you know many jurisdictions across Canada now treat common-law couples the same as married couples as far as dividing family property on relationship breakdown? Unfortunately, Toronto Common Law Property Rights are not equal to married couples’ property rights in Ontario. Peter Graburn senior Calgary and Toronto family lawyer […]

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Best Kamloops Family Lawyers

Are you researching who the Best Kamloops Family lawyers are? Fraser MacLean is a rising family law star at MacLean Law and a chip off the old block of his father. Fraser is a graduate of Thompson Rivers University Law School who already has amassed several successful and reported BC family law judgments including wins in […]

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Will Your Marriage End In Divorce?

Will Your Marriage End In Divorce?  Frankly, the odds are high that your marriage or relationship will not succeed. When you enter a marriage or a long term marriage-like relationship you are entering a relationship lottery. You have ONLY a 50 percent chance of success BUT if you succeed the rewards are priceless. Here is […]

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Vancouver Paternity Test Lawyers

Our top-rated Vancouver Paternity Test Lawyers know that DNA paternity tests also called DNA parentage testing applications have become a television spectacle thanks to shows hosted by the likes of Maury and Jerry Springer. In family court, applications concerning paternity tests are frequently brought forward, and judges can make an order that a party takes […]

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Vancouver Common Law Marriage Like Relationship

Vancouver Common Law Marriage Like Relationship lawyers help our family law clients seek child parenting time, child support, spousal support, and property division. New BC family law legislation now treats Vancouver Common Law Marriage Like Relationships the same as married relationships if certain conditions are met.  Sophie Bartholomew, Vancouver family law associate, explains what the […]

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