CALGARY TOP 5 PARENTING TIME PRINCIPLES (Part 2) By Peter Graburn Managing Associate MacLean Family Law Calgary. In a previous post (see Top 5 Parenting Principles Part 1) I discussed that if separated parents cannot agree on the major decisions regarding their children (ie. regarding their education, religion, health-care and general well-being), the Courts may […]
Top 5 Parenting Time Principles
TOP 5 PARENTING TIME PRINCIPLES (Part 1 of 2) Call 1 877 602 9900 Peter Graburn senior associate at our Calgary office knows parenting is hard. Even when parents are living together, it is sometimes difficult to agree on even the day-to-day decisions involved in raising children, let alone the major decisions regarding their: ● education; […]
Resulting Constructive Trust Unjust Enrichment
Resulting Constructive Trust Unjust Enrichment lawyers deal with cases where someone put up money or effort with an expectation they would receive value in return. When someone takes advantage of these efforts and does not reciprocate with a share in an asset our Resulting Constructive Trust Unjust Enrichment lawyers get involved to help achieve justice. MacLean […]
How Do I Vary BC Interim Support?
Our Vancouver family lawyers get asked the question: How Do I Vary BC Interim Support? a lot. In most cases, Courts have laid down a principle that interim support orders are rough and ready justice and the matter will be fully dealt with at trial. However, a trial judge has the power to retroactively vary the […]
Do Support Orders Survive Bankruptcy
Do Support Orders Survive Bankruptcy? It is well known that child and support Orders are not extinguished when a paying spouse declares bankruptcy. Lorne MacLean, QC recently obtained an interim order barring a spouse from declaring bankruptcy in a complex hidden cash scheme involving a multimillion-dollar wholesale food supply business. But what happens if your […]
Vancouver Collaborative Family Law
Vancouver Collaborative Family Law is an exciting new family law dispute resolution technique that may be right for you. Vancouver Collaborative Family Law Call 1 877 602 9900 Often times people think that going to court is the only way to resolve their family law issues; however, litigation is often is not the best option. People […]
Calgary Alberta Joint Family Venture
Peter Graburn, senior Calgary Alberta Joint Family Venture lawyer at MacLean Law, gets you off to a great start in the New Year if you are a common law spouse who is deciding to separate. COMMON – LAW PROPERTY DIVISION IN ALBERTA – Unjust Enrichment and Joint Family Venture Lawyers can be reached immediately at 403 […]
What Is My BC Separation Date?
What Is My BC Separation Date Lawyers know that critical legal rights are based upon if parties are separated and when they separated. Spouses sometimes linger in a relationship like “zombie spouses” meaning there is no love and little joint effort but neither party has the courage to pull the plug on their relationship. Just […]
BC Parental Alienation Estrangement Lawyers
BC Parental Alienation Estrangement Lawyers handle high conflict cases where children resist contact with one of their parents. Nothing could be more disturbing to a parent than one of their children resisting contact or worse still expressing fear or hatred towards them. There are various degrees of parental alienation being mild, moderate and severe. Usually, a […]
When Does Vancouver Child Support End?
Our top-rated* BC and Calgary family lawyers get asked: When Does Vancouver Child Support End? a lot. At a minimum, if you do not have primary parenting time of your child, you will pay child support until 18 in Alberta and 19 in BC. However, these deadlines are the minimum, not the maximum. So what are the […]