Are you looking for a low conflict, economic and efficient out-of-court resolution to your BC family law issues? If your answer is yes, BC Collaborative family law could be the solution you’re looking for. In today’s blog, we explain an exciting new option to resolve your BC family law case. What is BC Collaborative Family […]
BC Support Legal Fee Deductions
BC Support Legal Fee Deductions related to BC spousal support and BC child support claims are highly technical. In today’s blog by Fraser MacLean of our downtown Vancouver office, we learn which spouses are allowed to make the tax deduction claim and when. BC Support Legal Fee Deductions Call 1 877 602 9900 BC Support Legal […]
Varying Calgary Alberta Spousal Support
Varying Calgary Alberta Spousal Support lawyers handle cases involving, increasing and decreasing the amount of spousal support and shortening or extending how long it is paid for. In this blog, Peter Graburn, Calgary senior family law associate, explains the rules for Varying Calgary Alberta Spousal Support. Peter Graburn can be reached direct at 403 444 5503. Calgary […]
Top 5 BC Family Law Myths
Top BC 5 family law myths (or Misunderstandings) cause unsuspecting and unrepresented family litigants to miss out on key financial support, personal protection, and property division orders. Don’t fall victim to the top 5 BC Family Law Myths! Contact our lawyers immediately when you are separated so you don’t fall victim to a critical mistake. Call […]
Imputing Business Expenses Support Lawyers
Imputing Business Expenses Support lawyers deal with family law cases where business owners or professionals income and expenses need to be properly calculated. Failing to properly calculate income can lead to underpayment or overpayment of spousal and child support warns Lorne N MacLean, QC founder of our team of Imputing Business Expenses Support Lawyers. Myth # […]
Calgary Family Business Imputed Support Income
Calgary Family Business Imputed Support Income lawyers handle cases where the need for a company to remain healthy and strong for the benefit of all separated family members is balanced against the needs of recipients of Calgary spousal support and Calgary child maintenance. Meet with one our Senior Calgary family lawyers today by calling us […]
Avoid Retroactive Spousal Support Tax Mistakes
Our highly rated Vancouver and Calgary family lawyers are often asked “How Do I Avoid Retroactive Spousal Support Tax Mistakes?” In today’s blog by Lorne MacLean, QC, we will show you how to Avoid Retroactive Spousal Support Tax Mistakes. Many family law clients are unaware that spousal support is deductible by the paying spouse and included […]
Vancouver Family Appeal Costs Lawyers
Vancouver Family Appeal Costs Lawyers handle Appeals for both the party appealing and the person who won at the trial below. How does the court deal with Vancouver family law appeals that are sketchy and where the person appealing may be unable to pay the costs of losing the family law appeal? Roughly 1 in 4 to […]
Vancouver Family Settlement Agreement Lawyers
Vancouver Family Settlement Agreement Lawyers help get family cases fairly settled. Good family lawyers ensure full disclosure, no unfair pressure, an informed decision by the client and clarity of settlement terms. Vancouver Family Settlement Agreement Lawyers Tel 604 602 9000 Today our senior family lawyers answer the question: Can a settlement agreement between parties that was not […]
Child Support Private School Fees Lawyers
Child Support Private School Reimbursement Lawyers help out medium to high net worth families obtain a fair child support settlement and fairly share special and extraordinary expenses. Our lawyers have been ranked as the top* Vancouver family law firm for 4 of the last 5 years and the last three years straight. Our Child Support […]