Inadequate Disclosure Adverse Inference Lawyers deal with a huge family law litigation problem often called the “cancer of family law litigation“. Our skilled and award winning, Inadequate Disclosure Adverse Inference Lawyers help: obtain full disclosure; obtain sanctions such as fines and special costs and jail time for non-disclosure; obtain Anton Piller raid Orders; obtain international Mareva […]
Calgary Common Law Pension Property Rights
Calgary Common Law Pension Property Rights – The thin edge of the wedge? Division of matrimonial property is a significant part of any family separation. But what if you are not married? What if you are living common-law? Do you have a right to a division of property with your partner? In BC common law […]
Vancouver Masters Interim Appeal Family Lawyers
Vancouver Masters Interim Appeal Family Lawyers routinely appear in Chambers across BC to argue interim spousal and child support disputes, child parenting time cases and personal and property restraining orders. Tal Wolf is one of our highly regarded senior downtown Vancouver associates. In today’s blog, Tal discusses what happens if a spouse disagrees with a […]
Significantly Unfair Unequal Family Property Division
One of the developing areas of BC family law involves Significantly Unfair Unequal Family Property Division. So how does unequal family property division work and what does “significantly unfair” mean? The Family Law Act established a new stricter test for the courts to depart from a presumptive 50/50 division of family property. BUT the famous […]
Calgary High Income Spousal Child Support Lawyers
Calgary High Income Spousal Child Support Lawyers handle high income and high net worth Calgary family law disputes. Our top rated* Calgary High Income Spousal Child Support Lawyers often deal with three big issues in these cases: determining the real income of a high net worth spouse who runs a professional practice, company or partnership; […]
BC Child Wishes and Legal Representation
BC Child Wishes and Legal Representation lawyers argue over whether a child’s wishes should be given greater or less weight when deciding a BC child custody and BC child parenting time case. What age and matuturity level do a child’s wishes become important in a BC child custody and parenting time case? What are the […]
Vancouver Surrey Child Non Removal Orders
Vancouver Surrey Child Non Removal Orders protect parents and children from losing contact with each other. In today’s blog, Fraser MacLean of MacLean Family Law explains how to take proactive steps to ensure your child is not improperly removed from Vancouver and British Columbia. Today, our top rated* Vancouver and Surrey BC family lawyers we […]
Vancouver Calgary Wealthy Grey Divorce Advice
Vancouver Calgary Wealthy Grey Divorce advice strategies involve hiring a legal and support professional team to avoid financial reverses. Lorne N. Maclean, QC heads MacLean Law’s Vancouver and Calgary high net worth family law separation and divorce team. MacLean has written frequently on how high net worth Vancouver, BC and Calgary wealthy separating boomers can […]
Vancouver BC Setting Aside Separation Agreements
The award winning lawyers at Maclean Family Law regularly deal with Vancouver BC Setting Aside Separation Agreements disputes. So, what are the rules for Vancouver BC Setting Aside Separation Agreements? Our new Family law Act sets a higher threshold for setting aside BC separation agreements. The Family Relations Act property division provisions were criticized by family lawyers […]
How To Win BC Family Property Debt Division
How To Win BC Family Property Debt Division cases require an understanding of four key points: What is the date the relationship started and ended? What types of property are involved? What types of debt are shared? What valuation dates are to be used? Our top rated* How To Win BC Family Property Debt Division […]