Calgary Marriage Like Relationship Property Division Lawyers deal with constructive trust and “joint family venture” claims. The best Calgary Marriage Like Relationship Property Division Lawyers know the financial stakes on separation after a long marriage like relationship, where children are born and each side puts their heart and soul into acquiring substantial personal, company and real estate […]
Varying Increased Spousal Support
Vancouver Calgary Varying Increased Spousal Support Lawyers deal with cases where someone wants to increase the amount of spousal and child support. The test to succeed in changing spousal support for a material change is based on what the parties actually contemplated at the time the order was entered by agreement, not what one party knew or […]
Calgary Property Separation Agreement Lawyers
Calgary Property Separation Agreement Lawyers help Calgary family clients value and divide matrimonial property. Experienced Calgary Property Separation Agreement Lawyers also explain to Calgary family law clients how some types of property are excluded from sharing such as exempt property such as inheritances, gifts and property one spouse had prior to the marriage. Gains in […]
Calgary Family Mediation Arbitration Lawyers
The best Calgary Family Mediation Arbitration lawyers educate their worried family clients that not all family law disputes have to go to court. Our skilled and experienced Calgary Family Mediation Arbitration lawyers offer our clients an alternative to the traditional adversarial court process by resolving their family law disputes through a respectful, cost-effective and binding […]
Calgary Separation Agreements Child Custody Guardianship
Our skilled and experienced Calgary Separation Agreements Child Custody Guardianship lawyers calm our family law clients when we explain that less than 5 % of Calgary family law disputes end up in the courtroom. Our Calgary Separation Agreements Child Custody Guardianship lawyers think it makes better sense for you to spend your hard earned money on […]
Vancouver Parenting Custody Section 211 Reports
Vancouver Parenting Custody Section 211 Reports are crucial to helping parents and their children move forward successfully after separation. Our top rated* Vancouver family lawyers can assist you in coming up with a plan for ensuring Vancouver Parenting Custody Section 211 Reports properly protect you and your children. Call us at 1-877-602-9900 to meet with […]
Vancouver Calgary Vary Cancel Support Arrears
Vancouver Calgary Vary Cancel Support Arrears lawyers deal with applications to reduce or terminate spousal and child support. There are two key elements for a Court to take action to reduce or cancel spousal or child support arrears. Firstly, there must be a material change in circumstances; and secondly, the Court needs to be persuaded that […]
Vancouver Surrey Adult Child Support Guidelines
Vancouver Surrey Adult Child Support Guidelines apply to cases involving children over the age of 19 in BC and 18 in Alberta. For more than 30 years, courts have ordered support for older children in school. In many cases, child support continues until the children completed a post-secondary degree, and sometimes later. The court must apply […]
Separating Pet Owners Lawyers
Separating Pet Owners Lawyers at top rated MacLean Law deal with issues over ownership and possession of the beloved family pet. Dogs, cats, horses, snakes and even tarantulas can be a substantial part of your family. And when things go sideways in your relationship it can be devastating for the family pet and yourself. Contact […]
Calgary Imputed Income Spousal Support Lawyers
Calgary Imputed Income Spousal Support Lawyers at the top rated* Vancouver and Calgary family lawyers firm of MacLean Family Law deal with dozens of cases where spouses have hidden income or fail to make proper efforts to work to their full capacity. MacLean Family Law is expanding their Calgary family lawyers and Calgary spousal and […]