Calgary Child Support Guidelines Lawyers lawyers at MacLean Law’s Top Choice Top Rated Vancouver and Calgary family Lawyers were interested to read a recent decision from the Alberta Court of Appeal that spoke of respect to be given to agreements entered into for child support. You can reach our Top Choice Top Rated Calgary family […]
BC Spousal Support Entitlement Lawyers
BC Spousal Support Entitlement Lawyers focus on the three ways spousal support can be awarded to a spouse after separation. In BC spousal support can be payable on separation for married couples and unmarried couples who are in a marriage like relationship for more than 2 years duration or even less if they have a […]
BC Parenting Arrangements Variation Lawyers
BC Parenting Arrangements Variation Lawyers like TOP CHOICE AWARDS “Best Vancouver Family Lawyers” at MacLean Law help family clients obtain, change, vary, suspend or terminate BC parenting arrangements. The test to vary a child custody, parenting arrangement or a child contact order is high. This strict test discourages frequent applications to change an Order by […]
Matrimonial Home Occupation Rent Lawyers
MacLean Law’s Top Choice Award winning Matrimonial Home Occupation Rent Lawyers help parties deal with the costs and use of the matrimonial home after parties separate. In BC a claim for expenses by the person who remains in the home after separation can be met with a claim by the spouse who left or was “ousted” […]
Calgary Children’s Best Interests Family Lawyers
The Calgary Children’s Best Interests Family Lawyers are excited about the continued growth of our downtown Calgary family lawyer law offices. Our Calgary family lawyers operate of of Bankers Hall in downtown Calgary near the Calgary Courts Centre. Call us toll free at 403-444-5503 or click here to set up an appointment with one of our […]
Section 7 Extraordinary Educational Expense Lawyers
Top* Section 7 Extraordinary Educational Expense Lawyers know basic child support is the floor not the ceiling for payments. Our highly rated Section 7 Extraordinary Educational Expense Lawyers help you and the courts calculate BOTH proper basic guideline and special and extraordinary child support expenses. But can one parent unilaterally incur a section 7 expense and force […]
BC Child Support Shared Parenting Arrangements
BC and Calgary BC Child Support Shared Parenting Arrangements are now a common issue parents must address as shared child parenting is increasing dramatically in both BC and Alberta. MacLean Law’s highly rated family lawyers understand that BC and Calgary parents are agreeing to more shared child parenting arrangements than ever before. When parents cannot […]
Surrey Fort St John Family Mediator Parenting Plans
Looking for Cost effective Surrey Fort St John Family Mediator Parenting Plans? MacLean Law has the only mediator-paralegal in British Columbia and can provide a cost effective alternative. We can mediate your parenting plan or conduct your provincial court required mediation. We operate out of our Vancouver Surrey and Fort St John Dawson Creek offices. […]
Calgary Child Custody Family Lawyers
MacLean Law’s Calgary Child Custody Family Lawyers who can be reached at 403-444-5503 know child relocation, also called child mobility and move away cases, are tough. The test for being allowed to move away is a child focused best interests test. The ease for a parent to move away is less likely when shared parenting […]
Vancouver Surrey Child Mobility Lawyers
Vancouver Surrey Child Mobility Lawyers know Vancouver and Surrey child mobility, move away and relocation cases are difficult for the parties, their child and the Courts. Our skilled and highly rated* Vancouver Surrey Child Mobility Lawyers appreciate a recent decision of JBDK v TAB that provides an excellent summary of the current law on initial […]