麦克连律师事务所的资深卑诗分离协议律师们深知,许多准备要分离的夫妻都想利用一份专业、正规的卑诗分离协议书来调节他们的家庭纠纷。卑诗省新施行的《家庭法法令》(Family Law Act)更提倡用正规而公平的卑诗分离协议书。BC省对分离协议书有经验的律师——特别是在麦克连律师事务所的律师团队——都知道:离婚双方都应该尽可能在最早的阶段就请律师
BC Separation Agreement Lawyers
MacLean Law’s top rated BC separation agreement lawyers know that many separating couples want to resolve their family law dispute promptly with a properly drafted and fair BC separation agreement. No one wants an expensive trial when they can have one of our skilled senior BC separation agreement lawyers negotiate or mediate a comprehensive BC […]
Surrey Family Lawyers
Our senior Surrey family lawyers are constantly updating our clients on new developments in Surrey family property division. There are two types of property under our new property division regime “family property” that is normally shared equally and “excluded property which normally has only the gain made on it during the relationship shared equally. You […]
Fort St John High Net Worth Divorce
Fort St John High Net Worth Divorce MacLean Law has again expanded their Fort St John high net worth divorce and Dawson Creek family property and substantial oil and gas patch wealth preservation team that is focused on protecting business owners who work so hard to accumulate wealth in the North Peace BC. Call Candice […]
Fort St John Family Property Lawyers
The Fort St John family property lawyers and Dawson Creek property division lawyers are often asked how Fort St John family property can be divided in cases where our clients have concerns that an equal division of family property is unfair. MacLean Law is BC’s largest family law firm and we have offices in Fort […]
BC Parentage Lawyers
Lorne MacLean, QC was the one of first BC parentage lawyers in Canada to deal with a Canadian frozen embryo dispute. He was successful as Juanita Nott’s BC parentage lawyers representative in protecting frozen embryos from being destroyed pending trial. Our BC parentage lawyers deal with cutting edge assisted human reproduction disputes as well as […]
Surrey Excluded Property Lawyers
MacLean Law is BC’s largest and one of the most experienced group of Surrey excluded property lawyers. Our South Surrey excluded property lawyers are guided by Lorne MacLean, QC. Our top rated Surrey excluded property lawyers note that there is now a solid trend to excluding property brought into a relationship or received by one spouse […]
Vancouver Interim Family Appeals
Vancouver interim family appeals face a serious hurdle before being allowed to proceed. Our family rules discourage Vancouver interim family appeals and encourage prompt steps towards having a trial judge decide the family law, child parenting and financial issues. Leave is required for any Vancouver interim family appeals. The reason for this is that family matters that […]
Interim Support Variation
Interim Support variation disputes can occur both before trial and a correction by way of an interim support variation can occur at the trial once all of the evidence has been properly put before the trial judge. Interim support orders are made on incomplete evidence and without benefit of seeing and hearing witnesses and observing […]
Retroactive Spousal Support
Our BC retroactive spousal support lawyers want our clients to avoid the need to bring on a retroactive spousal support application. Delay in increasing or reducing spousal support just adds aggravation to the already stressful spousal support dynamic. MacLean Law’s retroactive spousal support lawyers are part of BC’s largest family law team and we have 4 offices […]