A huge BC Excluded Property and Gifts Decision has just been handed down that will send chills throughout the family law bar in BC. We have been warning our high net worth clients for some time to NEVER place inherited or gifted monies in joint names with their spouses nor in the sole names of their […]
BC Family Law Experts
Lawyers can and should review draft expert reports in family cases Does your BC family law lawyer understand how to deal with family law experts doing child and spousal support guideline income calculations? Do they know how to effectively deal with real property, company and other business valuators and other BC family law experts? Do they know […]
Vancouver Excluded Property Division
Our new BC Family Law Act treats separated unmarried couples in marriage like relationships lasting longer than two years the same as if they were married for property division purposes. Vancouver excluded property division disputes require expert knowledge from a lawyer intimately familiar with this complex area. The most hotly contested family property issue our Vancouver […]
BC Child Relocation Lawyer
Relocating with Your Child and BC Child Relocation Lawyer Life circumstances change after separation and people change jobs and move to be near new partners, to advance their careers and to be near their sources of support. People are free to move in Canada it is their right. But you will often need a top […]
MNP Tower, Vancouver: New home for MacLean Law
With all the exciting dialogue going around Vancouver regarding the architecture in this city – past, present and future – the MNP Tower is getting rave reviews from city planners, architects and is attracting a lot of press. Lorne Maclean, Q.C. is almost as giddy as Brian Jackson to move into the MNP tower. Lorne […]
Feeding Hope, Changing Lives – MacLean Law Sponsors UGM Lunch
Thank you to Nicole MacDonald, Development Officer, Corporate Giving at Union Gospel Mission – one of the sweetest people you will ever meet – for organizing and giving MacLean Law staff the opportunity to volunteer with UGM on February 22, 2015. The volunteers summed up the day with the following: “Volunteering in the kitchen and […]
Vancouver Assisted Human Reproduction Dispute Lawyers
We acted for the mother in Canada’s first frozen embryo dispute and obtained an order restraining the embryos from being destroyed as they were found to be property as defined by our former Family Relations Act. Our Assisted human reproduction litigation team headed by Lorne N. MacLean, QC, also watched the recent BC Court of […]
Vancouver Family Business Division
As top rated BC family lawyers MacLean Law’s family law team handles hundreds of cases involving family company valuation and division. Vancouver Family Business Division cases require the parties to be cognizant of pitfalls on valuation that could lead to an unfair result. Hiring an experienced Vancouver Family Business Division lawyer right from the start can ensure […]
Best* Vancouver Family Lawyer
Lorne MacLean QC leads BC’s largest multiple location family law firm. The firm now has 18 lawyers operating in downtown Vancouver, South Surrey, West Kelowna and Fort St John. The firm was recently ranked as Vancouver’s top family law firm. We handle complex and challenging family law matters and help people resolve matters favourably and […]
MacLean Law provides free services for builder’s statutory declarations
Effective immediately, the office of MacLean Law in Fort St. John, BC, will not charge for the notarization of builders statutory declarations required for progress draws or at progress completion. We can usually meet with you to swear your statutory declarations on short notice. To make an appointment please call Candice Pappenberger at 250 262 […]