Our highly rated and experienced Vancouver BC family law lawyers are familiar with Vancouver family law mediation and we routinely work with the best family law mediators across BC. We’ll go over our selection process thoroughly with you to ensure we find you the best Vancouver family law mediator for your BC family law case. […]
Vancouver Child Support
Our Vancouver child support lawyers handle all types of Vancouver and BC Child Support guidelines cases and often deal with exceptional cases that require solid legal strategies to successfully resolve for parents paying or receiving child support in Vancouver. We act across BC with 4 offices in Vancouver, Surrey, Kelowna and Fort St John. […]
What Makes a BC Court Provincial or Supreme?
Most days you’ll find me seated behind my desk at our downtown Vancouver family law office or standing in front of a judge at the Vancouver Law Courts, helping clients navigate through complex legal issues such as parenting arrangements, property division, and spousal support. Occasionally, I get to wear a different hat, when I volunteer […]
White Rock Family Appeal Lawyers
South Surrey and White Rock family lawyer, Lorne MacLean, Q.C. heads our White Rock Family Appeal Lawyers appellate advocacy department. MacLean has an enviable record of success in the BC Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada and over 30 years of experience on complex high net worth family law and family law […]
Vancouver BC Shared Parenting Over 40 Percent Set Off Support
Nick Davies of our Vancouver office is a senior mediator, arbitrator and family lawyer at Vancouver’s top rated family law firm. Vancouver Child Support and BC Shared Parenting The issue often arises as to how child support is calculated when both parents are responsible for parenting children. In some cases a parent will attempt to […]
Vancouver Shared Custody and Child Parenting Lawyer
Lorne MacLean, Q.C. was one of the first Vancouver family lawyers to champion shared child custody and shared child parenting as being in the best interests of a child. MacLean often tells Vancouver family courts “children don’t forfeit the love and guidance of two loving and concerned parents merely because of marriage breakdown.” In the […]
Punjabi Speaking Family Lawyer Careers at Maclean Law
MacLean Law was just selected as Vancouver’s top family law firm by Top Choice Awards. We have 4 offices across BC and are in a period of robust growth due to our client focused approach which empowers our clients to move forward successfully. We seek a 6-9 year call, Punjabi speaking, family law and estate […]
Vancouver Child Guardianship No Presumption Of Shared Parenting
Neither BC’s Family Law Act nor our Divorce Act have a presumption of equal parenting time and a private member’s bill to amend the Divorce Act to establish a presumption in favour of shared parenting was just defeated in the House of Commons. The focus of child custody and child parenting time law is the […]
Vancouver Family Law Gifts and Inheritances Lawyer
One of the most contentious issues for Vancouver family lawyers under the Family Law Act is how gifts and inheritances are dealt with when a relationship ends. Often these gifts or inheritances are used to buy property outright, to make down payments, or to reduce or pay off mortgages on a jointly owned family home. […]
South Surrey White Rock Child Support Lawyers
South Surrey high net worth and business property division lawyer Lorne MacLean, Q.C. leads Vancouver’s top rated family law firm. 604 576 5400. Mr. MacLean practices out of our downtown and South Surrey offices. Calculation of guideline income for child support purposes is a hotly contested issue in many of the cases our South Surrey […]