Family Company Financial Disclosure Lawyers help people obtain and provide fair financial disclosure in cases involving, companies, trusts, professional practices, proprietorships and partnerships. Peter Graburn, our managing lawyer in Calgary sets out the rules in today’s blog. As anyone who has gone through a separation and divorce will know, there are a number of basic […]
Vancouver Support Payment Garnishing Orders
Vancouver Support Payment Garnishing Orders are an effective way of ensuring recalcitrant paying spouses meet their spousal and child support obligations. MacLean Family Law consistently achieves amazing results for their clients, including a record-setting decision for the highest monthly spousal support and child support order in BC history. Our lawyers also set the records for […]
Best Imputed Income Support Lawyers
The best imputed income support lawyers in Calgary are pleased to see a new decision bringing Alberta imputed support principles into line with the rest of Canada. In today’s blog, Brianne Beckie of our Calgary office explains what the Best Imputed Income Support Lawyers tips are for child and spousal support cases. Calgary Best Imputed […]
Winning Family Trial Evidence Lawyers
Winning Family Trial Evidence Lawyers know providing proper testimony and evidence is key to a successful outcome. So, What is proper evidence in your BC Family Law Trial? In today’s blog by Darlene Sandhu of our Surrey Office we help clients understand the special rules that apply to ensure your story for the court is […]
How to Win Your Family Trial
Wondering How To Win Your Family Trial? Our top rated BC and Alberta family lawyers get asked this question a lot. In today’s blog Fraser MacLean of our Vancouver office answers your question. How to Win Your Family Trial 1 877 602 9900 The starting point in a family law dispute should be negotiation, but […]
How is BC Spousal Support Alimony Calculated?
Vancouver spousal support lawyers are often asked: How is BC Spousal Support Alimony Calculated? This is one of the most frequently asked questions our experienced Vancouver BC spousal support lawyers get asked. Our Vancouver spousal support and BC spousal support lawyers know correctly answering this spousal support and alimony amount question requires a thorough analysis […]
High Net Worth Divorce and Separation
High Net Worth Divorce and Separation cases amplify the stakes for both spouses and their children. MacLean Law’s high net worth family lawyers handle some of the biggest family law disputes. Our experienced High Net Worth Divorce and Separation lawyers handle these cases daily and you have likely read about our wins in media or […]
Retroactive Spousal Support and Delay
What happens in retroactive spousal support and delay cases? Often times the reason for the delay and the actions of both the higher earning spouse and the spouse who may have a compensatory or needs based spousal support claim will be a key deciding factor. If you are the person needing spousal support, procrastination is […]
Voice of The Child Parenting Time Lawyers
Our top Voice of The Child Parenting Time Lawyers explain the current state of the law on the issue. Both Provincial and Federal Legislation like the BC Family Law Act, Alberta’s Family Law Act and The federal Divorce Act all say the wishes of a child are an important factor. So at what age and […]
How Do I Win My BC Supreme Court Family Trial?
How do I win my BC Supreme Court Family Trial? This key question in answered by Shanna Gill, our hardworking paralegal at our Surrey BC office. A question you must ask yourself if you are in a legal family battle is “How do I win my BC Supreme Court Family Trial?” This is a crucial […]