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Vancouver Family Property Business Division

Vancouver Family Property Business Division lawyers need special knowledge to properly value the income generated by the family business as well as its value. It just makes good sense to hire a high net worth family lawyer with proven experience in: calculating the income the family business generates for spousal and child support rather than […]

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8 Factors To Consider For Adult Child Support

What are 8 Factors To Consider For Adult Child Support? In today’s blog, Gurdeep Khosa explains 8 Factors to determine whether an adult child’s educational pursuits are “reasonable”. The best child support lawyers know that child support does not automatically end at 19 and can continue even up to completion of a second university degree. Our […]

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Shared Child Parenting vs Equal Parenting Time 

What is the difference between Shared Child Parenting vs Equal Parenting Time? In today’s blog, Peter Graburn, senior Calgary family lawyer, sorts things out for you. MacLean Law has shared child parenting and equal child parenting time lawyers in several offices across Canada. Calgary 403 444 5503 -What is the difference between Shared Child Parenting vs Equal […]

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Family Law Dirty Text Message Tricks

Family Law Dirty Text Message Tricks can destroy an innocent spouse’s case. But when you have a savvy Vancouver family lawyer on your side, they can help ensure these Family Law Dirty Text Message Tricks backfire on a scheming spouse. Vancouver high net worth family and divorce, articling student, Oliver notes new Apple operating systems […]

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Best Child Support Lawyers Tips

The Best Child Support Lawyers Tips help clients win BC child  support for themselves and their children. In today’s blog, our founder Lorne MacLean, QC, who set the highest award for spousal and child support in BC of $116,000 a month plus hundreds of thousands in retroactive spousal and child, support explains a critical new […]

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Best BC Parental Alienation Strategies

MacLean Law’s family lawyers provide the Best BC parental alienation strategies. New studies by Amy Baker and others have established a comprehensive set of factors to guide separated spouses, courts and lawyers. This new set of factors  help courts decide if parental alienation is in fact occurring or whether a child’s rejection of one parent […]

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Children’s Wishes Counsel and Voice of Child

Children’s Wishes Counsel and Voice of Child representation is becoming more common in child parenting time and responsibilities disputes. Hearing the “Voice of the Child” is becoming increasingly important in high-conflict family law disputes these days. In today’s blog, senior Children’s Wishes Counsel and Voice of Child lawyer Peter Graburn explains when a lawyer may […]

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Voice of The Child Parenting Time Lawyers

Our top Voice of The Child Parenting Time Lawyers explain the current state of the law on the issue. Both Provincial and Federal Legislation like the BC Family Law Act, Alberta’s Family Law Act and The federal Divorce Act all say the wishes of a child are an important factor. So at what age and […]

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In today’s blog, paralegal Carly Crawford explains the basics of BC Separation Agreements. If you are about to, or have separated, you are probably wondering whether you need a BC separation agreement.  We understand that BC separation agreements may seem intimidating and even a little daunting. That is why at MacLean Law, we have top […]

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Managing High Conflict Family Law

Managing High Conflict Family Law is today’s topic by Peter Graburn, senior family lawyer at MacLean Law. Peter has written numerous popular blogs on family law including his viral blog entitled “Dealing with Narcissists During Divorce“. Some experts believe the single most detrimental factor for children whose parents have separated or are in the process […]

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