Family Business Division Support Lawyers deal with business owners’ pretax profits guideline income, valuation, and division of family business property and how the value of the business that the business owner retains interplays with the award of child support and spousal support. Our top rated Family Business Division Support Lawyers deal with high net worth cases […]
The Problem In Valuing BC Discretionary Trusts
The Problem with Valuing BC Discretionary Trusts has bedeviled lawyers for decades and there is a recent trend toward assigning zero value to an ex-spouse’s beneficial interest in third party created trusts. Family lawyers for the non-beneficiary spouse will need to resort to the age old if and when approach in dealing with cases of […]
How is BC Spousal Support Alimony Calculated?
Vancouver spousal support lawyers are often asked: How is BC Spousal Support Alimony Calculated? This is one of the most frequently asked questions our experienced Vancouver BC spousal support lawyers get asked. Our Vancouver spousal support and BC spousal support lawyers know correctly answering this spousal support and alimony amount question requires a thorough analysis […]
Grey Divorce Spousal Support Variation
Grey Divorce spousal support variation and Grey Divorce spousal support termination cases are particularly thorny for both a payor who may no longer be able to pay due to retirement but also the recipient who worries about paying their living expenses without spousal support. How do you terminate spousal support? In the recent case of […]
High Net Worth Divorce and Separation
High Net Worth Divorce and Separation cases amplify the stakes for both spouses and their children. MacLean Law’s high net worth family lawyers handle some of the biggest family law disputes. Our experienced High Net Worth Divorce and Separation lawyers handle these cases daily and you have likely read about our wins in media or […]
Secret Recordings in Family Litigation
The Use of Secret Recordings in Family Litigation: Smoking Gun? Often in separation or divorce, people wonder if it is appropriate to surreptitiously record, or film, private conversations with their partner. In today’s blog, savvy litigator Chris Park of our Vancouver office discusses Secret Recordings in Family Litigation. This may be done for a number […]
In today’s blog, paralegal Carly Crawford explains the basics of BC Separation Agreements. If you are about to, or have separated, you are probably wondering whether you need a BC separation agreement. We understand that BC separation agreements may seem intimidating and even a little daunting. That is why at MacLean Law, we have top […]
Managing High Conflict Family Law
Managing High Conflict Family Law is today’s topic by Peter Graburn, senior family lawyer at MacLean Law. Peter has written numerous popular blogs on family law including his viral blog entitled “Dealing with Narcissists During Divorce“. Some experts believe the single most detrimental factor for children whose parents have separated or are in the process […]
High Net Worth Interim Spousal Support
High Net Worth Interim Spousal Support cases are often “bet the bank” and “I’m all in” disputes. Seeking tens of thousands of dollars a month or defending against such a huge claim is stressful and you need to ensure your “ducks are in a row”. It makes sense to hire a seasoned family lawyer with […]
Grey Divorce Retirement Capital and Spousal Support
Grey Divorce Retirement Capital and Spousal Support cases require a lawyer who can properly settle your case so you receive or pay a fair amount of spousal support. When people are at, or near, retirement age they are often justifiably concerned about being able to maintain their historical lifestyle with less monthly income coming in. […]