Calgary Alberta Family Lawyers Financial Disclosure is a key component to enabling proper Calgary family law settlements and Court ordered financial resolutions. So what is Calgary Alberta Family Lawyers Financial Disclosure? In today’s blog senior Calgary Alberta Family Lawyers Financial Disclosure lawyer Peter Graburn explains this key area of family law. MacLean Law is a 4 time […]
High Net Worth Calgary Family Lawyers
Skilled senior High Net Worth Calgary Family Lawyers are invaluable allies when you have a “bet the bank” high stakes spousal and child support and matrimonial and exempt property division case in Calgary. Peter Graburn and Lorne MacLean, QC our senior High Net Worth Calgary Family Lawyers, deftly handle these cases so your income and assets […]
Vancouver Discretionary Family Trust Division Lawyers
Vancouver Discretionary Family Trust Division Lawyers deal with vested, contingent and discretionary trusts that often have millions of dollars of value “in” them. Vancouver Family Trust Division Lawyers understand that a some lawyers argue that trust is not so much an entity but is more a relationship. Vancouver Family Trust Division Lawyers who seek or […]
BC Non Disclosure of Property Unequal Division Lawyers
BC Non Disclosure of Property Unequal Division Lawyers handle cases where one spouse has been less than forthright in disclosing their real income or family property. Lifestyle audits, forensic financial analysis plus digging tenaciously for evidence of missing cash income and assets, using private eyes, forensic auditors and Anton Pillar orders can all assist in […]
Chinese Foreign Family Judgment Enforcement Lawyers
Is my Chinese foreign family law judgment enforceable in BC? Chinese Foreign Family Judgment Enforcement Lawyers deal with cases where foreign family law judgments may or may not be enforceable in BC. The savvy Chinese Foreign Family Judgment Enforcement Lawyers at MacLean Family Law also handle multi-million dollar cases where BC courts need to determine whether […]
Vancouver Spousal Support High Property Award Lawyers
How do high property awards impact spousal support? Vancouver Spousal Support High Property Award Lawyers deal with high incomes and substantial property awards. Years ago, large property settlement awards often resulted in zero spousal support being paid. But in the mid 1980’s our highly rated Vancouver Spousal Support High Property Award Lawyers saw a trend that […]
Top* Vancouver Family Lawyers
Are you looking for Top Vancouver Family Lawyers? MacLean Law has some of the Top Vancouver Family Lawyers as selected by satisfied clients and prestigious TOP CHOICE AWARDS. Our lawyers can be reached in Vancouver, Calgary, Surrey, Kelowna, Fort St John and Richmond BC. We are delighted to announce that the Vancouver Family Lawyers 2018 award […]
BC Spousal Support Retirement Lawyers
What happens to spousal support after retirement? What happens to spousal support after retirement? BC SPOUSAL SUPPORT RETIREMENT LAWYERS at MacLean Law deal with the stressful situation of how separating spouses deal with a decline in a family breadwinner’s income. Our top rated lawyers handle cases of early retirement, involuntary retirement, voluntary retirement and cases where […]
Calgary Collaborative Family Law Lawyers
How does collaboration work during separation or divorce? Calgary Collaborative Family Law Lawyers provide a pathway to successfully resolve family law disagreements between separating spouses. Collaborative Family Law is a process designed to resolve family law disputes as quickly, inexpensively and amicably as possible. MacLean Law’s Calgary Collaborative Family Law Lawyers are led by senior Calgary family […]
Calgary Family Lawyers
Calgary Family Lawyer Peter Graburn is the newest senior family law associate at MacLean Family Law’s Calgary Family Lawyer office. MacLean Law’s Calgary Family Lawyers team is committed to helping oil patch executives, entrepreneurs, businesspersons, professionals and their equally hardworking and supportive spouses resolve challenging matrimonial issues so they can move forward successfully. Calgary Family Lawyer […]