Divorce is never an easy road, particularly when one spouse is difficult and does not wish to agree to any terms. It takes a skilled family lawyer to help mediate to a win-win situation. Recently, MacLean Law received a very positive outcome, and the family was able to avoid the expense and time going to family court. […]
Vancouver Excluded Property Division
Our new BC Family Law Act treats separated unmarried couples in marriage like relationships lasting longer than two years the same as if they were married for property division purposes. Vancouver excluded property division disputes require expert knowledge from a lawyer intimately familiar with this complex area. The most hotly contested family property issue our Vancouver […]
Lorne MacLean Q.C. Presents: Is There Freedom After 55?
Lorne MacLean Q.C. presents: Is there Freedom After 55, to 125 financial planners at Freedom 55 speakers day on February 13, 2015 in Vancouver, BC. This presentation provided 125 financial advisers information on the BC Family Law Act and what they should know when counselling their clients on financial decisions before and during the dissolution […]
Vancouver Family Property Division Lawyers
Lorne MacLean Q.C. and MacLean Law’s experienced lawyers applaud the changes to the Vancouver Family Property Division portion of the BC Family Law Act. There are two key definitions that our Vancouver family property division lawyers apply to Vancouver and BC family property division cases to ensure fair property division when couples are separating. The […]
Vancouver Family Law Wealth Preservation Lawyer
Lorne MacLean, Q.C., founder of the highly rated* MacLean Law handles hundreds of complex, later in life middle age separations and divorces. The “grey divorce” wave has hit Canada and BC and a significant portion of our Vancouver high net worth family separation practice relates to wealth preservation strategies at the end of a long term relationship […]
Vancouver Wealth Preservation Family Lawyers
As Vancouver family wealth preservation lawyers and Vancouver’s top rated family law firm by Top Choice Awards, we handle hundreds of medium to high net worth and complex family law cases. We emphasize wealth preservation to our high income and substantial asset owning clients. We handle business property, excluded property and high family asset value […]
Family Mediation For Vancouver High Net Worth Divorce
Highly respected Vancouver family lawyer, Lorne MacLean, Q.C. leads our complex and high net worth Vancouver BC family law mediation department. Vancouver Family High Net Worth Mediation has several benefits for our Vancouver family law clients. The Vancouver family mediation process provides discretion, flexibility and a fair process where parties can participate and feel fully heard. […]
Best Vancouver Divorce Lawyer Tips
Best Vancouver Divorce Lawyer Tips help you understand how and what to do to increase your chances of a successful outcome in your Vancouver divorce and separation case. The steps you take before and after separation should follow our Best Vancouver Divorce Lawyer Tips set out below. We have offices across BC and in Calgary and […]
Family Law Lawyers- Best Practices
All too often Surrey BC Family Lawyers, Langley BC family and divorce lawyers and Surrey family law lawyers and their Surrey BC separated or divorcing Langley BC family law clients can lose sight of the need for respect and civility in their Greater Vancouver and Langley, Delta and Surrey BC family law case. A Langley […]