BC FAMILY LAW PROTECTS TAIWAN SECRET SAUCE A new BC Supreme Court decision has recognized that a family business owned and operated by the husband’s parents is not a family asset subject to division between the husband and wife. Our top family lawyers won a similar case involving a valuable family business that was relied […]
温哥华中文家庭法律师事务所 – MacLean Law团队
Vancouver Asian Family Lawyers
Our Vancouver Asian family lawyers and Asian asset protection and wealth preservation department regularly and expertly handles multi-million dollar family property and debt division cases involving assets inside of and outside of British Columbia. We have created a team of Asian lawyers fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese who understand the Asian culture and entrepreneurial spirit of […]
BC Parental Loans and Debts
BC Parental Loans and Debts Alert. Our BC parental loans and debts lawyers see more than spouses fighting in court after a marriage breaks down. Our BC Family Law Act cases can involve more than the two spouses when parents of one of the spouses are involved with advancing money to the couple. BC Parental Loans and […]
MacLean Law Lawyers Support Many Communities
Celebrating the Chinese Legal Community A group of MacLean Law lawyers and staff led by Fanda Wu, Family Lawyer will be attending the 36th Annual Chinese Legal Community Banquet, March 19. Keynote speaker will be Madam Justice Linda A. Loo. Her speech will be on the topic: “A View from the Bench: The Changing Face […]