2016 Top* Calgary Divorce Lawyers Update
MacLean Law’s top* Calgary divorce lawyers announce our expansion of our high net worth family law firm into downtown Calgary, Alberta. You can call us at 403 444 5503. Starting June 1, 2016 Lorne MacLean, Q.C. and the rest of our highly rated BC and Calgary Alberta family law team will begin servicing the needs of Calgary’s medium to high net worth family law and divorce clientele with respect to:
- Calgary high income child and spousal support issues concerning quantum and duration;
- Calgary high net worth asset and debt division of personal, corporate and trust assets;
- Calgary highly contentious child custody, guardianship and access cases also called the responsibilities and powers of parents,
guardians and contact orders cases; - Calgary personal and property protective orders including protection of interests in corporate assets and income
Top* Calgary Divorce Lawyers

Our Vancouver based Calgary divorce lawyers medium to high net worth family lawyer law firm has 20 plus lawyers and 6 offices across British Columbia and Calgary. Lorne MacLean, Q.C. founder of our Calgary divorce lawyers has appeared in the Calgary Court of Queen’s Bench and won a number of shared custody cases involving infant children on a week on week off basis. Our top* Calgary divorce lawyers act across BC and also successfully appear in the Court of Queen’s bench in Calgary Alberta. Lorne MacLean, Q.C. the highly rated founding partner of our firm has also appeared twice in the Supreme Court of Canada on the notable Young and Leskun decisions where he played an important part in advancing and helping set the law in child custody, access and guardianship and on spousal support issues of the amount, the duration and when the court should make review Orders in spousal support cases.

Over the years we have received a number of calls asking us to open an office in Calgary Alberta and we have responded by opening a top rated (from Google Reviews) Calgary divorce lawyers downtown law office near the new Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench and Appeal Courts. Contact Lorne MacLean to discuss your passion for and plan to help us grow our Calgary Alberta medium to high net worth family law team. Calgary clients who need our help can call us toll free at Tel 403 444 5503.