Our skilled and experienced Calgary Separation Agreements Child Custody Guardianship lawyers calm our family law clients when we explain that less than 5 % of Calgary family law disputes end up in the courtroom. Our Calgary Separation Agreements Child Custody Guardianship lawyers think it makes better sense for you to spend your hard earned money on your children’s future than on legal fees. Remember as Lorne N. MacLean, QC says “parents are forever”. A bad spouse can still be a great parent moving forward and studies show the absence of conflict is the greatest predictor of healthy development in your child post separation.
Our highly ranked Calgary Separation Agreement Lawyers have offices across BC and in downtown Calgary Alberta.
Calgary Separation Agreements Child Custody Guardianship
Cases involving Calgary Separation Agreements Child Custody Guardianship issues can be resolved by negotiation ending in the preparation of a Calgary separation agreement.Saving legal fees often means parties need a “bite of reality sandwich” early on in proceedings not near the end after much money has been spent. This can mean both parties looking at what their share of responsibility for the dispute is and trying to not default to the worst possible interpretation of the other parent’s motives or actions.
Key Issues
What are the key issues a case needs to incorporate into a binding Calgary separation Agreement?
Here are the key areas to address:
- What type of parenting regime will it be, primary residence/sole custody, shared custody or parenting time, split custody where each parent has 1 or more children with them?
- what time of access or contact will occur, will it be over 40 percent, will it be on terms and conditions such as anger management no substance consumption, parenting capacity training g or will it be supervised if there are risks for the child?
- will both be guardians and what will the rights of each parent be on key decisions for the child such as school, medical religion, activities and location of residence, will their be a duty to consult and who has the final say one parent or a judge?
- will a parenting coordinator be involved?
- how will holidays, pro D days, special occasion days be split?
- will the parents communicate face to face or by a parenting book or in writing only for higher conflict cases?
- how will the children communicate with the other parent when they are away from them in terms of method and frequency?
- types of shared and split parenting impact child support and the benefits and deductions each parent gets with an exchange of cheques BY BOTH parents in shared and split custody cases being crucial to avoiding nasty tax surprises!
- can one parent move away or will their be a residence relocation restriction
- who keeps the passports and will travel authorizations be ongoing or one offs? How will renewal of a child’s passport be determined jointly or by one parent only?
- will there be terms for a review and change to the parenting regime as children get older?
- will travel costs be shared?
- how will extracurricular and special expenses be negotiated and paid for and which activities will be extra versus ordinary?
Hire Top Rated* MacLean Law Calgary Separation Agreements Child Custody Guardianship Lawyers To Settle Things Fairly 403-444-5503
Our Calgary separation agreement lawyers are pleased to meet with you to help you and your children move forward successfully. Call our Calgary family law office senior lawyer Peter Graburn at 403-444-5503.
*Top Choice Award (2014, 2016, 2017 2018, 2019), Top rated reviews on Google, Yelp, threebestrated, lawerratingz.com. Read more about our awards.