Top rated* Vancouver BC Family Lawyers help you settle your family case and if that isn’t possible they help you obtain a just result in court. We are always honoured when clients tell us how much they appreciate our efforts on their behalf. Today we share one of the testimonials so you get to know us better.
Our firm handles the following cases across BC and in Alberta:
- divorce and separation
- child custody and parenting time, guardianship and contact issues
- child support both basic and section 7 expenses
- spousal support
- property valuation and division
- excluded property and tracing
- family violence and protection orders
- international high net worth property disputes
Top Rated* Vancouver BC Family Lawyers 1-877-602-9900
Here is a post from another satisfied client who hired our Top Rated* Vancouver BC Family Lawyers:
I would like to share my experience with MacLean Family Law. I live in a small community about six hours north of Vancouver. For six years I have been going through a very complicated and volatile child custody case. Seven lawyers later and no results. Then at the beginning of year seven I contacted Lorne MacLean.
Lorne Contacted me immediately and we set up a meeting. During this year Lorne MacLean has done for my case in four appearances, more than all of the other lawyers put together in six years. Lorne is organized and committed to perfection and extremely brilliant. Lorne fights for the rights of a father, but most importantly Lorne MacLean fights for the rights of your children! “Lorne MacLean QC brings the future of fatherhood to the courtroom of today” and I will be forever grateful to him and his staff for all their support. Thank you Lorne and the MacLean Family Law Group.
Vancouver BC Family Lawyers Can Help
We have 6 offices across BC and in Calgary in Vancouver, Surrey, Kelowna and Fort St John to serve you better. Click here to meet with us.
Lorne MacLean, QC handles high net worth and complex family cases and appeals.
*Top Choice Award (2014, 2016, 2017 2018, 2019), Top rated reviews on Google, Yelp, threebestrated, lawerratingz.com. Read more about our awards.