The best estate litigation lawyers know Invalid BC Wills and Testamentary Capacity issues are a hot topic in Vancouver and BC estate litigation dispute cases. The best estate litigation lawyers know that recent massive gains on stocks and real estate, will cause elderly parents to transfer more wealth than ever before. What happens when a […]
Avoid Bad BC Gift Dispute Mistakes
Wealthy elderly parents need to avoid bad BC Gift Dispute Mistakes. What is the law on gifts in BC? Many times elderly parents can become confused and make gifts they didn’t understand or fully consider. Sometimes unscrupulous children dupe a parent into making a substantial monetary transfer. Today, downtown Vancouver estate litigation and elder abuse […]
Calgary Alberta Parenting Assessments Lawyers
In today’s blog our team of Calgary Alberta Parenting Assessments Lawyers explains Parenting Assessments in Alberta and what the Factors & Considerations are in ordering these reports. “Voice of the Child” reports are ever more common in high-conflict family law disputes these days. In fact, one recent Ontario Court of Appeal case (see: GR. […]
Winning Family Trial Evidence Lawyers
Winning Family Trial Evidence Lawyers know providing proper testimony and evidence is key to a successful outcome. So, What is proper evidence in your BC Family Law Trial? In today’s blog by Darlene Sandhu of our Surrey Office we help clients understand the special rules that apply to ensure your story for the court is […]
How Is Spousal Support Decided in Canada?
How Is Spousal Support Decided in Canada? It’s probably the most asked question our best spousal support lawyers get asked. MacLean Law’s best Vancouver spousal support lawyers are pleased to give you the answer. Entitlement to spousal support, the amount of spousal support, particularly where the amount sits on the range of the SSAG factors […]
Vancouver Unjust Enrichment Family Lawyers
MacLean Law’s Vancouver Unjust Enrichment Family Lawyers note a great summary of what the test is to make a common law unjust enrichment claim against property based on equity. Vancouver Unjust Enrichment Family Lawyers help clients pursue these claims both in family and in estate dispute cases. Our top rated Vancouver Unjust Enrichment Family Lawyers […]
How to Win Your Family Trial
Wondering How To Win Your Family Trial? Our top rated BC and Alberta family lawyers get asked this question a lot. In today’s blog Fraser MacLean of our Vancouver office answers your question. How to Win Your Family Trial 1 877 602 9900 The starting point in a family law dispute should be negotiation, but […]
Child Coparenting Disputes Lawyers
Child Coparenting Disputes Lawyers help separated parents set expectations to reduce conflict and also help them resolve child coparenting disputes that arise over their children’s financial, activity, school, medical and other issues. The concept of the “friendly parent” is on the rise in Canada. Can a person incapable of co-parenting lose final decision making? Today, […]
The Problem In Valuing BC Discretionary Trusts
The Problem with Valuing BC Discretionary Trusts has bedeviled lawyers for decades and there is a recent trend toward assigning zero value to an ex-spouse’s beneficial interest in third party created trusts. Family lawyers for the non-beneficiary spouse will need to resort to the age old if and when approach in dealing with cases of […]
Vancouver Family Property Business Division
Vancouver Family Property Business Division lawyers need special knowledge to properly value the income generated by the family business as well as its value. It just makes good sense to hire a high net worth family lawyer with proven experience in: calculating the income the family business generates for spousal and child support rather than […]