DOCUMENT DISCLOSURE IN VANCOUVER FAMILY LAW DISPUTES – EVERYTHING PLUS THE KITCHEN SINK Lorne MacLean, Q.C. recently won another case for a very happy family client, in part, because of dogged focus on getting every key family law document from the Ministry of Children and Family Development, police, and school, relating to what the Court […]
Drawing on the depth and breadth of our expertise, we’ll help you distill the complicated so you can break through to strategic and positive family solutions.
Vancouver BC Family Protection Orders under the Family Law Act
If you, or any of your Vancouver, Fort St John, Surrey or Kelowna family members have been subject to family violence call our team of highly qualified lawyers immediately to get the family protection order you need. Our family protection orders legal team has decades of experience protecting at risk family members from family law […]
Vancouver Elder Divorce, Remarriage and Baby Boomer Separation Lawyers
Our Vancouver Elder Divorce, Remarriage and Baby Boomer Separation Lawyers who act across BC with offices in Vancouver, Kelowna, Surrey and Fort St John have seen the aging population in Vancouver and other parts of BC lead to new issues involving the older divorcing spouse. Late in life remarriage, separation and the potential for an elderly […]
Vancouver Family Lawyers Explain Marriage Like Relationships
Are You In A Vancouver BC Marriage Like Relationship? Our top rated Vancouver family lawyers, want our Vancouver and BC family law clients and the public to be aware substantial changes to spousal support and property rights are now in effect under the new BC Family Law Act. Thousands of dollars can ride on whether […]
BC Estate Lawyer Discusses Abuses of Power of Attorney
If you have concerns about a Will, or an Estate, or a Power of Attorney situation, please contact us now. Or call one of our experienced Wills Variation Act and Estate lawyers in our Vancouver, Surrey, Fort St John, or Kelowna offices at 1.877.602.9900. BC Wills Variation, Powers of Attorney, Trust and Fraudulent Conveyance and […]
Vancouver Marriage Like Relationship Constructive Trust Lawyer
BC Common law couples in a marriage like relationships of greater than 2 years are treated the same as married couples for purposes of property division by our new BC Family Law Act. However, a claim for constructive trust and the joint family venture analysis are still powerful weapons that can be used to protect a party […]
As BC family property division lawyers, we deal with division of parties’ private and CPP pensions at separation. We also see common mistakes regarding failures to deal with CPP credits whether by dividing or waiving a claim to these credits. One of the vexing issues in family property pension division occurs when there is a […]
BC Family Property and Family Business Valuation Disputes
BC Family Property Valuations At Start and End Of Marriage Are Key The new British Columbia Family Law Act emphasizes that the starting value and ending value of each spouse’s family professional practices and business are critical to determining what share of family property each party receives upon the end of a marriage or marriage […]
迈林律师事 务所离婚律师为 您讲解新家庭法的特点
迈林律师事务所是温哥华乃至卑诗省范围内的第一流离婚和婚姻家庭法律师事务所。我们拥有强大的离婚律师团队,而且在温哥华、列治文、素里与白石镇的分部都有在地华人离婚律师,可以用流利的中文(普通话或粤语)为您办理离婚案件(Vancouver,Richmond and South Surrey/White Rock Mandarin and Cantonese Speaking Family Law Lawyers)。 新的家庭法,主要的改变包括: 1. 新家庭法把重点放在庭外解决方案, 比如调解, 谈判, 或仲裁. 新家庭法鼓励配偶达成和解而不必要上法院. 2. 新家庭法扩大未婚配偶的产权. 未婚配偶将有已婚配偶相同的产权。 3.当配偶分割财产时,新家庭法指定哪些资产将不能分割.除外财产包括在配偶关系开始前,配偶双方各自已拥有的任何财产, 配偶单方获得的礼品和遗产, 和偿付给配偶一方的个人受伤或损失的赔偿金. 4.在新家庭法下,已婚配偶要在离婚后两年以内和法庭申请资产及债务划分,未婚配偶同样也必须在分离后两年以内申请资产及债务划分。 5.新家庭法加强保护伴侣和儿童的安全.如果配偶有遭受家庭暴力的危险, 法庭也许会颁发「家庭法保护令」 一份很好的中文参考是: 如果您有任何离婚、婚姻或是家庭方面的需求,我们的中文离婚律师团队将为您提供最高品质的法律服务。我们的中文专线是:604 682 6466(国语和粤语均可),欢迎您随时联系我们, 我们将竭诚为您服务, 让您走出离婚/家庭婚姻的阴霾, 迈进人生的下一段成功旅程。
Vancouver Iranian Family Lawyers – Mehrieh, Mahr or Dowry in British Columbia
Our lawyers discussed the concept of Mahr or Mehrieh in an earlier post. This post will focus on the ways in which British Columbia family law courts deal with Mehrieh. Divorce Court Approach The approach British Columbia divorce courts take towards Mehrieh is uncertain. If the Dowry is treated as gift on top of the 50% […]