CALGARY ALBERTA MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY DIVISION – HOW WILL WE DIVIDE OUR PROPERTY? Calgary Alberta Matrimonial Property Division Lawyers help separating couples, classify, value and divide Calgary matrimonial property. MacLean Law’s award winning Calgary Alberta Matrimonial Property Division Lawyers deal with medium to high net worth Calgary and BC matrimonial property division issues. We’ll focus on […]
Drawing on the depth and breadth of our expertise, we’ll help you distill the complicated so you can break through to strategic and positive family solutions.
Calgary Family Support Lawyers
Calgary Family Support Lawyers: How can I pay less spousal support? Calgary Family Support Lawyers deal with issues of, entitlement, whether compensatory or needs based, quantum being the amount paid and duration meaning how long payments should last. Calgary Family Support Lawyers also deal with variation, suspension and termination of support based on a material change […]
Calgary Spousal Support Reduction
How can I reduce spousal support? Reduce your spousal support with our Calgary Spousal Support Reduction lawyers. MacLean Family Law deals with cases where a material change in one or both parties financial situations change in a significant way since an order for spousal support was originally made. If a material change is proven support […]
Calgary Child Special Expenses Lawyers
How can I get more Calgary Child Support? How can I get more Calgary Child Support? In today’s blog, our Calgary Child Special Expenses lawyers explain what child section 7 special expenses are and how they are calculated. When there are children involved in the breakdown of a marriage or relationship, typically one parent is responsible […]
Chinese Foreign Family Judgment Enforcement Lawyers
Is my Chinese foreign family law judgment enforceable in BC? Chinese Foreign Family Judgment Enforcement Lawyers deal with cases where foreign family law judgments may or may not be enforceable in BC. The savvy Chinese Foreign Family Judgment Enforcement Lawyers at MacLean Family Law also handle multi-million dollar cases where BC courts need to determine whether […]
Calgary Family Matrimonial Property Valuation
Can I dispute my Calgary Family Matrimonial Property Valuation? Calgary Family Matrimonial Property Valuation disputes can involve disputes over millions of dollars of lucrative business or professional practices, or books of business, commercial real estate, intellectual property and private art collections. Our Calgary Family Matrimonial Property Valuation know that the highest and best use analysis requires the identification […]
BC Parenting Time Child’s Wishes
BC Parenting Time Child’s Wishes lawyers deal with cases where the child’s wishes on how they want their time to be shared with their parents play an important role. Powerful legal and social science research indicates taking the child’s wishes into account leads to better outcomes in child custody and parenting time disagreements. BC Parenting […]
Calgary Family Lawyers Spousal Support
Am I a Candidate for Calgary Spousal Support? Calgary Family Lawyers Spousal Support lawyers at MacLean Law’s Calgary office educate our Calgary family clients on their rights and responsibilities relating to Calgary spousal support entitlement, amount and duration. One of the first questions the parties or a judge hearing the Calgary spousal support matter must […]
Vancouver Spousal Support High Property Award Lawyers
How do high property awards impact spousal support? Vancouver Spousal Support High Property Award Lawyers deal with high incomes and substantial property awards. Years ago, large property settlement awards often resulted in zero spousal support being paid. But in the mid 1980’s our highly rated Vancouver Spousal Support High Property Award Lawyers saw a trend that […]
Top* Vancouver Family Lawyers
Are you looking for Top Vancouver Family Lawyers? MacLean Law has some of the Top Vancouver Family Lawyers as selected by satisfied clients and prestigious TOP CHOICE AWARDS. Our lawyers can be reached in Vancouver, Calgary, Surrey, Kelowna, Fort St John and Richmond BC. We are delighted to announce that the Vancouver Family Lawyers 2018 award […]