MacLean Law’s top High Income Child and Spousal Support Lawyers deal with recipients and paying spouses in cases where incomes and the corresponding child and spousal support payments can be eye watering. Our High Income Child and Spousal Support Lawyers lawyers hold the record for the highest spousal and child support in BC $116,000 monthly. […]
Best South Asian Family Lawyer Tips
Our Best South Asian Family Lawyer Tips help our high net worth South Asian and Punjabi speaking family law clients win their family law cases. Our Best South Asian Family Lawyers know Punjabi and South Asian clients, more often, than not fail to get the proper best South Asian family lawyers advice to protect themselves […]
Child Support Income For Stay At Home Parents
Calculating Child Support Income For Stay At Home Parents is a hot topic. As we have repeatedly said in these articles, child support is the right of the child to receive, and the duty of each parent to pay, according to their abilities. For child support purposes, this usually means according to their employment income. […]
Enforcing Family Law Financial Disclosure
Enforcing Family Law Financial Disclosure has become a priority for family courts across Canada. Our Enforcing Family Law Financial Disclosure lawyers have been a the forefront in stamping out failures to disclose in family law cases and we hold several precedents and records for enforcing family law financial disclosure. Vancouver Enforcing Family Law Financial Disclosure […]
Best Vancouver Korean Family Lawyers
Best Vancouver Korean Family Lawyers help Korean speaking family law clients successfully resolve their Vancouver Korean Family law Matters. MacLean Law has one of the largest Mandarin, Cantonese and Vancouver Korean speaking family law teams. Finding the Best Vancouver Korean Family Lawyers requires a thorough investigation of which Vancouver family lawyers have a track record […]
How Do You Cancel Child Support?
How Do You Cancel Child Support? A recent Ontario decision of Kerr v. Moussa, 2023 ONCJ 1 sets out a nice restatement of the law on this point. Our Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna, Surrey and Calgary child support lawyers get asked: How Do You Cancel Child Support? frequently. The test to do so is stringent, and […]
Shared Parenting Set Off Child Support
Avoiding Shared Parenting Set Off Child Support Child support mistakes is simple – right? As we have repeatedly stated in previous articles, child support is the right of the child to receive, and the duty of each parent to pay. The federal and provincial Child Support Guidelines set out two (2) different types of child […]
Best Surrey Child Support Lawyers Tips
Lorne MacLean, QC founder of MacLean Law, and one of the Best Surrey Family Lawyers provides today’s Best Surrey Child Support Lawyers Tips. MacLean holds the record for the highest spousal and child support of $116,000 a month. Maclean explains that both parents have a duty to ensure fair Surrey child support is paid. In […]
Family Company Financial Disclosure Lawyers
Family Company Financial Disclosure Lawyers help people obtain and provide fair financial disclosure in cases involving, companies, trusts, professional practices, proprietorships and partnerships. Peter Graburn, our managing lawyer in Calgary sets out the rules in today’s blog. As anyone who has gone through a separation and divorce will know, there are a number of basic […]
Vancouver Support Payment Garnishing Orders
Vancouver Support Payment Garnishing Orders are an effective way of ensuring recalcitrant paying spouses meet their spousal and child support obligations. MacLean Family Law consistently achieves amazing results for their clients, including a record-setting decision for the highest monthly spousal support and child support order in BC history. Our lawyers also set the records for […]