We as Vancouver, Surrey, Kelowna and Fort St John child support, divorce and family lawyers have handled a number of spousal and child support retroactive cases including an interim retroactive support award case called J v J . Our client was ecstatic when we obtained one of the highest interim awards of spousal and child […]
As British Columbia spousal and child support lawyers we are often asked when a BC lump sum spousal and child support award will be made. It is important to note that child support payments whether lump sum or periodic are not tax deductible. Spousal support payments are tax-deductible if paid on a periodic basis and […]
Vancouver and BC Divorce Divorce Lawyer Lorne MacLean Warns- Don’t Leave the Matrimonial Home!
What is “exclusive possession of the matrimonial home” and is it wise to leave the home if your BC marriage is in trouble? Sometimes it feels like you can’t take it anymore and you have to leave the family home for your own sanity. Sometimes you feel you need to leave the matrimonial home because […]
Vancouver BC Grandparents Child Custody, Relative Child Custody and Access Rights to Grandchildren Vancouver Lawyers
When parents and grandparents in British Columbia think of child custody and guardianship laws, they often consider it an issue of parental rights. But many children in modern BC households are not raised by their parents, and custody can be given to grandparents, aunts, uncles and even non-relatives in certain situations. What happens when a […]
Section 7 Child Support Guidelines Special Expenses and Their Impact On BC Spousal Support Amounts
We often have new BC spousal support clients come to us after they have unwisely agreed to a spousal support payment that does not accord with a proper calculation under the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines. The proper calculation of the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines really does require a lawyer who focuses on BC family law […]
Section 7 Child Support Guidelines Special Expenses and Their Impact On BC Spousal Support Amounts
We often have new BC spousal support clients come to us after they have unwisely agreed to a spousal support payment that does not accord with a proper calculation under the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines. The proper calculation of the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines really does require a lawyer who focuses on BC family law […]
BC Stepparent Child Support
WILL YOU HAVE TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT FOR YOUR BC SEPARATED SPOUSE’S CHILDREN FROM A PRIOR RELATIONSHIP? WHAT IS BC “TOP UP SUPPORT”? A “parent” has the obligation to support their children, and after separation if the children live with one parent (the recipient) then the other parent must pay child support (the payor) based […]
BC Spousal Separation and Section 57 Declaration Lawyers
Did you know that BC has a deferred shared family asset and family property regime? You should be aware of various BC family triggering events and Section 57 Declaration of no prospect of reconciliation strategies depending on who owns a particular family asset. Post BC family separation triggering events that cause the BC shared family […]
I disagree with the current and proposed Family Relations Act child or spousal payment arrears (unpaid support) test that establishes there will be no cancellation of support arrears unless it would be “grossly unfair” not to do so. The Act arguably treats common law and married couples differently and applies a one-sided and unfair test […]
The new Surrey, Langley, Delta and White Rock Family Law Office of MacLean Law is now open at Suite 404, 1688 152nd Street in Surrey British Columbia. Our phone number is 604 576 5400. Lorne MacLean explains both of the new Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines formulas under these spousal support guidelines namely, the “with” and […]