SUICIDE & SEPARATION – WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP. In today’s important blog, our Kelowna office provides some key advice to help prevent suicide or self harm after separation. If you have concerns for yourself or a loved one call the information lines set out below or reach out to one of our lawyers […]
Vancouver Family Lawyers Top Choice Awards 2022
MacLean Family Law is proud to announce our nomination for a Top Choice Award for Best Vancouver Family Law Lawyers. The firm was awarded Top Family Law firm for multiple years and has won every year since 2016. We would appreciate your support as we work every day to earn your vote and help our […]
Best Interim Spousal Support Lawyers
The Best Interim Spousal Support Lawyers help clients obtain top results including record interim spousal support awards. Our interim spousal support lawyers have set records in medium to high net worth spousal support and child support cases involving business owners professionals and other successful spouses. We share some of the best strategies to help you […]
Spousal Support Variation Termination Lawyers
Experienced Spousal Support Variation Termination Lawyers at MacLean Law advance and defend these claims with finesse. Spousal support, whether you are paying it, or receiving it, you want to know when the amount might change or stop. Will you have to keep paying, even if you lose your job? Will you receive less, if the […]
Best Special Holiday Parenting Time Lawyers
Best Special Holiday Parenting Time Lawyers help create HAPPY CHILDREN, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Holiday time is approaching and thoughts naturally turn to family. The media often paints a perfect picture showing families enjoying food, gifts, and fun together. But in reality, holidays can be stressful. Whose turn is it this time to host? Where should it […]
Best Child Parenting Schedule Considerations
So, you have just separated. You have children and you want to take into account the Best Child Parenting Schedule Considerations. It is a stressful time with a lot of change for both you and your child. You want to make the separation as smooth as possible for the child and insulate them from the […]
RRSP Income and Spousal and Child Support
RRSP Income and Spousal and Child Support. Is RRSP Income included or excluded from income calculations when deciding spousal and child support? In today’s blog, senior family lawyer at MacLean Law explains the rules related to RRSP Income and Spousal and Child Support. We will answer the key question: Is RRSP income included for support […]
Best BC family divorce lawyers TV Advice
We love the best BC family divorce lawyers TV shows. The new Global Family Law TV Series, Season 1, Episode 1: Reality check From the Perspective of the Best British Columbia Family Law Lawyer. Moving forward Ana Sadovska will support Global’s Family Law show to ensure family law clients are properly educated on their family […]
Capital Gains Income and Support
Capital gains income and support disputes are becoming more common with some separated Canadians making huge capital gains wins on real estate and stocks. One of the main decisions judges and lawyers must make is properly calculating the real income of both spouses including how Capital Gains Income and Support intermesh in a family law […]
Unequal BC Family Property Division Misconduct
Unequal BC Family Property division Misconduct cases allow for unequal division of the Family Property pie due to misconduct during the relationship. In most cases, family property and debt is divided equally but there are some exceptions including where one spouse has disposed of family property inappropriately. In today’s blog Eleanor Surajballi explains the rules. […]