Vancouver Non Recurring Income Support Lawyers handle cases where there are unusual, one time, or short-term gains that often total in the millions of dollars. Our Vancouver Non Recurring Income Support Lawyers know the stakes in these cases are high because awards that include these unusual income streams result in spousal and child support awards well […]
Calgary Support Underemployed Income Imputation
Calgary Support Underemployed Income Imputation lawyers deal with cases of underemployed or even unemployed paying and receiving spouses involved in Calgary spousal support and Calgary child support cases. Our Calgary Support Underemployed Income Imputation lawyers note a more stringent test to impute income for spousal and child support in Calgary than in BC and Ontario. In […]
Calgary Vancouver Imputed Income Tax Support
Hiring a top* Calgary Vancouver Imputed Income Tax Support lawyer helps ensure the proper calculation and correct use of incomes for child and spousal support determinations by BC and Alberta Courts. You need to be very aware that not all incomes are created equally. In today’s blog, founder Lorne N MacLean, QC explains the types […]
Retroactive Variation Reduction Child Support
MacLean Law has handled hundreds of Retroactive Variation Reduction Child Support cases in the 40+ years since it was founded. In today’s blog on Retroactive Variation Reduction Child Support, we explore the legal rules a court uses to decide if child support should be reduced, by how much and for how long. Canceling child support arrears […]
Top Rated* Vancouver BC Family Lawyers
Top rated* Vancouver BC Family Lawyers help you settle your family case and if that isn’t possible they help you obtain a just result in court. We are always honoured when clients tell us how much they appreciate our efforts on their behalf. Today we share one of the testimonials so you get to know […]
Vancouver Child Custody Parenting Time Lawyers
Vancouver Child Custody Parenting Time Lawyers at MacLean Law tenaciously focus on the child’s rights to grow up in the best environment possible. Vancouver Child Custody Parenting Time Lawyers know the only test is the best interests of the child test and arguing you have “parental rights” is a wrong-headed approach. MacLean Law founder Lorne N […]
Vancouver Child Support Entitlement Lawyers
Vancouver Child Support Entitlement Lawyers deal with cases where children are over the age of majority and are no longer dependent on their parents for support. In BC the age of majority is 19 years. New wording in our Family Law Act deals with children under 19 who may have withdrawn from a parent’s care […]
Vancouver BC Adult Child Support Lawyers
The Vancouver BC adult child support lawyers at MacLean Family Law have successfully handled hundreds of BC child support cases involving children who are both under and over the age of majority over in its 40+ years of practice. The age of majority in British Columbia is 19 years of age. Contrary to common belief, […]
Retirement Spousal Support Reduction Lawyers
MacLean Law’s Retirement Spousal Support Reduction Lawyers handle cases where aging spousal support paying spouses wish to retire for health reasons or just to be able to retire like everyone else. For non-separated spouses this is usually a decision both spouses are in agreement on. But for separated spouses who are paying or receiving spousal […]
West Kelowna Spousal Assault Defence Lawyer
West Kelowna Spousal Assault Defence Lawyers bring 30 years of family law and high profile criminal experience to our Kelowna family law office. Andre Roothman defends spouses accused of spousal assault across BC and in the Yukon. Family violence is a critical new focus under the Family Law Act and for good reason. Having a top […]