The top rated* Vancouver family contempt lawyers at MacLean Law just obtained one of the heaviest contempt sentences handed down in a BC family law case. Our Vancouver Family Contempt Lawyers also executed a rare Anton Pillar search order to go into the husband’s business and find key evidence leading to a m massive win for our […]
Best* Surrey Interim Support Lawyers
The best* Surrey interim support lawyers understand that when dealing with interim spousal and child support applications using the correct incomes for each spouse is critical to ensure justice is done. The best* Surrey interim support lawyers, like one of our senior lawyers at MacLean family Law also know that not all income is used to […]
Mandarin Chinese Family Mediator
MacLean Law’s newest Mandarin Chinese Family Mediator, welcomes Mandarin Chinese family law and estate dispute clients who wish to resolve complex family law and international family financial disputes and estate litigation disagreements. Mandarin Chinese Family Mediator Chen and the balance of our top rated* high net worth Mandarin Chinese and Asian wealth protection team can […]
Vancouver Varying Cancelling Child Support
Vancouver Varying Cancelling Child Support lawyers handle cases where people wish to increase or decrease child support or to even cancel child support arrears. Our top rated* Vancouver Varying Cancelling Child Support lawyers help you understand the rules and focus your evidence and arguments so you can succeed in resolving the issue. We have 5 Vancouver Varying […]
Vancouver Family Arbitration Appeal Lawyers
Our Vancouver Family Arbitration Appeal Lawyers are pleased to see the first BC Court of Appeal decision on what the test to be applied is in Vancouver Family Arbitration Appeal cases. In the first Vancouver family arbitration appeal case of McMillan v. McMillan 2016 BCCA 441 the appeal court confirmed a very limited approach to allowing appeals in family […]
MacLean Law Wins Top Family Law Firm in Vancouver
MacLean Law won the 2017 Top Choice Award for the third year running and is again the Top Family Law Firm in the city of Vancouver. Thank you to all who have taken the time to nominate us! We are here to set high standards within our category and within our community. Winning the Top Choice […]
Helping in the Community
It’s a busy week at MacLean Law as the staff are gearing up to give back to several community charities. We all know that giving back makes for joyful encounters with people you may not otherwise interact with. There’s a common theme that runs through Maclean Law that is supporting the community and the staff […]
Top Choice Awards
MacLean Law wins the Top Choice Award for Family Lawyer in 2017.
Vancouver Calgary Shared Parenting Lawyers
Top rated* Vancouver Calgary shared parenting lawyers help clients ensure that the best interests of their child is promoted both in the short term and into the future. Shared and equal child parenting allows you to play an important an equal role in raising your children. MacLean Family Law, the top rated* Vancouver family law […]
Vancouver Income Increase Support Lawyers
Our highly regarded Vancouver Income Increase Support Lawyers deal with hundreds of medium to high net worth financial disputes when parties in BC and Calgary divorce or separate. Today, we tackle the thorny issue of post-separation increase in income where spousal support is involved. Our firm is Vancouver’s Top Choice Awards winner once again for […]