Surrey blameworthy conduct and retroactive support cases involve an assessment of the conduct by a paying spouse that can affect how far back a correction or start date for the right amount of child and spousal support goes. A Surrey Blameworthy Conduct and Retroactive Support decision was was just handed down by our highest BC Court. […]
Vancouver Prenuptial Agreements Lawyers
PRENUP — THE (NEXT) BEST CHOICE YOU EVER MADE! Vancouver prenuptial agreements lawyers prepare “prenups” known as prenuptial agreements and also called “marriage agreements” in British Columbia. Vancouver prenuptial agreements lawyers will explain that a prenup is an agreement between two people that deals with the financial consequences of their marriage ending. Our Vancouver prenuptial […]
Retroactive Spousal Support Lawyers
The retroactive spousal support lawyers at MacLean Law routinely handle cases involving a start date for spousal support and child support that pre-dates the hearing at trial on the issue of support. These earlier start date cases for spousal and child support called “retroactive support” cases involve a set of rules that can differ depending […]
Vancouver Adult Child Support
Our Vancouver Adult Child Support lawyers read with interest a recent case where Vancouver adult child support payments were modestly reduced because the child was over 19 years and working part time. Many parents asked to pay child support for children out of high school ask what their Vancouver adult child support obligation is. Often these […]
Mandarin Speaking South Surrey White Rock Lawyer
An experienced Mandarin Speaking South Surrey White Rock Lawyer is crucial to your family case because they are not only capable of speaking fluent Mandarin and Cantonese, but they are also sensitive to your Chinese cultural background and values, all of which allows them to provide you the top-quality legal service that MacLean Law is […]
Richmond Divorce and Separation Lawyers
Richmond Divorce and Separation Lawyers MacLean Family Law and its top-rated* team of Richmond Divorce and Separation lawyers is proud to announce its expansion into Richmond, B.C. effective June 1, 2016. Our new Richmond office is located on the 3rd floor of the Richmond Business Centre in the core of the energetic multicultural and world […]
Vancouver Parental Loan Lawyers
Top-rated* Vancouver parental loan lawyers understand that many parents help their married children out by providing parental loans to them. We advise you to seek advice from our highly experienced parental loan lawyers when you plan to loan your children money, because without sound legal advice, a parental loan can quickly evolve from a simple, […]
Dress for Success Impact 360 – 2016
This year the Vancouver chapter of Dress for Success is celebrating 17 years of IMPACT 360. MacLean Law is happy to once again sponsor this great organization who help women not only enter the workforce but continue to support them through a mentorship and career coaching services. This year, Tal Wolf and Nicholas Davies from […]
Vancouver Step Parent Child Support
Vancouver step parent child support lawyers assist clients in claiming or defending basic child support and special and extraordinary child support claims. Our skilled Vancouver Step Parent Child Support lawyers handle self employed payor cases, shared parenting cases and over the age of majority Vancouver child support cases as well as tricky cases involving step parents. […]
Surrey Protection Order Lawyers
Our top rated* Surrey protection order lawyers make it a priority to ensure our clients and their children and other family members are kept safe in stressful and volatile Surrey family law disputes. Our Surrey Protection Order Lawyers are often asked what the test is to obtain a Surrey family protection order. In today’s blog […]