Edmonton Spousal Support Lawyers help Edmonton family law clients negotiate Edmonton spousal support entitlement, amount, and duration. In today’s Blog, Edmonton and Calgary family lawyer Peter Graburn explains how Edmonton spousal support works. Edmonton Spousal Support Lawyers 403 444 5503 Spousal Support can often be the ‘elephant in the room’ during family breakdown. Many separating […]
Vancouver Iranian Persian Farsi Speaking Family Lawyer
Vancouver Iranian Persian Farsi Speaking Family Lawyer and family attorney, Rana Yavari, looks forward to assisting top-rated Lorne MacLean, Q.C. in serving the Iranian, Persian, and Farsi speaking community in Vancouver, West Vancouver, and North Vancouver. Call Rana Yavari directly at Tel 604 697 2802 if you are Persian and want to speak with a […]
Unjust Enrichment Family Lawyers
Unjust Enrichment Family Lawyers help married and unmarried family law clients obtain a just result. MacLean Law’s Unjust Enrichment Family Lawyers act across Canada with offices across BC in Calgary and downtown Toronto. The claim is useful in cases where corporate assets need to have liens registered against them even if family property claims can […]
Cohabitation Agreements During Covid-19
Cohabitation Agreements During Covid-19 requires careful consideration. More and more millennials are living together with their partners and not getting married. Similarly, baby boomers who are recently divorced may not want to rush into remarriage. Should Couples Make a Cohabitation Agreement during Covid-19? In today’s blog, Fraser MacLean of our Fort St John office explains […]
Unequal Family Property Division
Unequal family property division means one spouse receives more than the normal 50/50 division of family property. Section 95 of the BC Family Law Act allows for unequal division if equal division would be significantly unfair. But how does unequal family property division occur and how often? A key unequal family property division case was […]
Calgary Family Property Act Cohabitation Agreements
Calgary Family Property Act Cohabitation Agreements are now a hot topic in Alberta. An odd thing happened during COVID-19. While the news was occupied with the COVID-19 social and economic shutdown, common-law couples in Alberta gained the same property rights upon relationship breakdown as married couples. This was a significant development in family law in Alberta. […]
COVID 19 Division of Family Property
COVID 19 Division of Family Property is a hot button issue for separated parties in Calgary and BC. Nearly three months into the COVID-19 social and economic shut-down, things are starting to get back to (a new) normal – some retail and personal (ie. barbers, doctors, dentists, etc.) services are re-opening; cafes, restaurants, pubs, and […]
Setting Aside Marriage Separation Agreements
Our top-rated lawyers routinely represent family law clients in cases involving Setting Aside Marriage Separation Agreements. The new BC Supreme Court case of Y.L v G.L. 2020 BCSC 808 provides an amazing summary of how courts decide Setting Aside Marriage Separation Agreements disputes. Lorne MacLean, QC leads our team of property, support, and child parenting […]
Vancouver Family Property Valuation During COVID 19
Vancouver Family Property Valuation During COVID 19 lawyers protect medium to high net worth family law clients in perilous times. Our lawyers have set records for high net worth property and support awards and are available to assist you now. Vancouver Family Property Valuation During COVID 19 is a hot button issue. Trials and settlements […]
Vancouver Family Debts and Parental Loans
Vancouver Family Debts and Parental Loans. Are they really loans? How Does the Vancouver division of family debts work? So your parents advanced to you half a million dollars after your marriage to help you with the down payment of your dream house; now you are separating from your spouse, and your parents are saying […]