Best Prenup Cohabitation Agreement Lawyers understand people in a new committed relationship wonder whether it makes sense to plan for the future in the good times in case their relationship does not work out. Tal Wolf, our Vancouver based senior marriage agreement lawyer explains the pros and cons of prenuptial and marriage agreements. Should I […]
Best High Net Worth Divorce – Do’s & Don’ts
Best High Net Worth Divorce – Do’s & Don’ts 1 877 602 9900 Family Separations and divorces are painful and complicated. When spouse’s have been together a long time and have created significant joint wealth, we enter the realm of the high net worth divorce. Lawyers familiar with this area are rare and worth every […]
Managing Narcissists During Divorce and Separation
Managing Narcissists During Divorce and Separation is critical to allowing separated spouses and their children to move forward successfully to better times. In today’s blog Maclean Law senior family lawyer, Peter Graburn, explains how clinical narcissism affects separated families. Peter also provides tips on managing narcissists during divorce and separation. Many experts believe it is […]
Are Vancouver Marriage Agreements Enforceable?
Are Vancouver Marriage Agreements Enforceable? The answer is: that depends. Vancouver marriage agreements that are fairly negotiated and that reasonably contemplated how the marriage actually played out are likely to be upheld. Unfairly negotiated agreements or fairly negotiated agreements that did not predict how the marriage developed are likely to be set aside entirely or […]
Calgary Edmonton Marriage Agreement Lawyers
Calgary Edmonton Marriage Agreement Lawyers help parties entering into marriage create a mutually agreed framework to guide their marital obligations and rights and a plan to fairly allocate family property and debt and financial resources if the marriage ends. Our lawyers also help negotiate and draft Calgary Edmonton prenuptial agreements and Calgary Edmonton cohabitation agreements. […]
Best Edmonton Family Property Division Lawyers
The best Edmonton family property division lawyers help Edmonton family law clients deal with family property and debt division issues. Edmonton high net worth separations and Edmonton grey divorce issues add an extra level of complexity when dealing with different rules for different types of matrimonial property. Peter Graburn of our Edmonton and Calgary office […]
Cranbrook Kootenay Family Lawyers
MacLean Law is one of Western Canada’s most trusted, and experienced family law firms. For over 40+ years, MacLean Law has represented clients throughout British Columbia. MacLean Law was founded in 1983 by Lorne MacLean, Q.C. Initially built on Lorne’s passion and calling for family law, the firm has experienced robust growth since its early […]
Best Vancouver Marriage Agreements Lawyers
The best Vancouver marriage agreements lawyers help potential newlyweds and couples entering marriage-like relationships plan during the good times how their relationship will be governed while they together and how things will be dealt with in the event the relationship ends. A marriage agreement or prenup deals with financial issues for couples who are getting […]
Cohabitation Agreements During Covid-19
Cohabitation Agreements During Covid-19 requires careful consideration. More and more millennials are living together with their partners and not getting married. Similarly, baby boomers who are recently divorced may not want to rush into remarriage. Should Couples Make a Cohabitation Agreement during Covid-19? In today’s blog, Fraser MacLean of our Fort St John office explains […]
Toronto Mandarin Chinese Speaking Family Lawyers
MacLean Law’s Toronto Mandarin Chinese Speaking Family Lawyers help our Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese speaking clients successfully resolve medium to high net worth divorces and separations involving Ontario, BC, and worldwide income and family property. Our Toronto office is located in the heart of the downtown financial district. Jian Kang leads our Toronto team. Precedent-Setting […]