BC Child support is determined by Federal law and guidelines ensure that children’s best interests are looked after.
The BC support calculator calculates a base amount but this amount is only the starting point. Child support in BC is calculated by taking into account various circumstances such as the percentage of guardianship, gross annual income of non-custodial parent, number of children, and extra-ordinary expenses.
In medium to high net worth families, those who are self-employed or who own a businesses can make the BC support calculations very complicated. Rely on the resources of MacLean Law to help determine the best outcomes related to child support.
BC Support calculators are only as accurate as the REAL INCOME information inserted into the calculator. Self-employed, underemployed and cash income earners and people who earn income from capital gains and the like, need to call our top rated family lawyers to avoid losing potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars. Lorne N MacLean, QC, deals with high net worth income and asset cases and has obtained some of the highest Canadian spousal and child support awards for spouses earning well over 1 million dollars. Don’t rely on a calculator in any of these cases. Call Lorne N MacLean, QC today toll free at 1 877 602 9900. You will be happy you did.
The Federal Child Support Tables were updated in 2017 to reflect more recent tax rules. The updated tables came into effect on November 22, 2017.
The Canadian Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines, while not legislated or mandatory, provide a formula for spousal support you can use as a benchmark.
It is not a simple matter to determine whether an individual is or will be liable for BC spousal support and there are many exceptions to the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines.
You are entitled to spousal support if there is a need for it based on the objectives of spousal support.
Are you concerned that you may be liable for support? Do you wonder whether you’re able to claim BC spousal support under the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines following a separation?
Book a Consultation or call us for advice today at 1 877 602 9900.