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Varying Unfair Vancouver BC Wills WESA

Our varying unfair Vancouver BC Wills WESA lawyers know a testator is given considerable freedom to decide how their estate is divided as long as they meet their legal and moral obligation to their beneficiaries. In Vancouver, BC, adult children can apply to vary an unfair Will under our WESA legislation. Many provinces outside of […]

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Vancouver Spouse Unfair Wills Variation

Vancouver Spouse Unfair Wills Variation lawyers help spouses and children who have suffered the loss of a loved one to ensure they don’t lose their fair share of the estate too. Our top-rated* Vancouver Disinheritance Unfair Wills Variation lawyers get involved to protect family members when a Will does not make adequate, just and equitable […]

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Vancouver Surrey Unfair Wills Lawyers

Vancouver Surrey Unfair Wills Lawyers help people obtain justice. Our skilled Vancouver Surrey Unfair Wills Lawyers know losing a loved one is bad enough but being left out of the estate just compounds stress and hurt. Our experienced Vancouver Surrey Unfair Wills Lawyers handle medium to high net worth Vancouver, Surrey and BC estate litigation disputes where claims […]

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Vancouver Testamentary Capacity Suspicious Circumstances

What happens when someone changes their will twice just before death while suffering from a fast progressing fatal illness? Testamentary capacity can be impaired at this time and there can be a danger of undue influence over the fast declining will maker raising concerns over BC testamentary capacity suspicious circumstances. Our experienced BC testamentary capacity […]

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Vancouver WESA Unfair Wills Lawyers

As one of Vancouver and BC’s top rated* family law firms, we know that the new unfair wills and will dispute legislation in the Wills, Estates and Succession Act, known more simply as “WESA” will require parties involved in estate litigation to hire top lawyers who know what the willmaker’s obligations to their spouses and […]

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