Vancouver Child Custody Parenting Time Lawyers at MacLean Law tenaciously focus on the child’s rights to grow up in the best environment possible. Vancouver Child Custody Parenting Time Lawyers know the only test is the best interests of the child test and arguing you have “parental rights” is a wrong-headed approach. MacLean Law founder Lorne N MacLean, QC leads our award-winning family law team and was winning counsel in Canada’s famous child custody case of Young v Young handed down 25 years ago by the Supreme Court of Canada.
Vancouver Child Custody Parenting Time Lawyers 1-877-602-9900
Part 4 establishes a new regime for care and time with a child. Not only does it add clarity to the law surrounding time and care with children, but it also changes the framework for looking at family law issues where children are involved to promote a more collaborative approach to parenting after separation, where appropriate. Part 4 – Care and Time with Children There are several key elements to this new framework. A key element is the change to the “best interests of the child” test to include family violence. There is also a change in terminology from custody and access to parental responsibilities, parenting time and contact.
If you are involved in an important BC child custody, parenting time and guardianship case we suggest you watch Lorne N MacLean, QC our founder and read this article immediately. Then call us toll free at 1 877 602 9900. Our team of top rated* family lawyers operates out of 6 offices across BC and in Calgary Alberta.
Vancouver Child Custody Parenting Time Lawyers
Our Vancouver Child Custody Parenting Time Lawyers explain that the BC Family Law Act British Columbia reiterates the best interest of children test as the sole consideration in deciding the care, child custody, guardianship and access of children. Children are the most important issue in family litigation when spouses do not agree on their custody or each wants to have ‘full’ custody of children. Child Custody litigation can be lengthy and expensive but good Vancouver Child Custody Parenting Time Lawyers lawyers can focus on a speedy negotiated settlement if they are experienced in the area. The new Divorce Act amendments have changed the terminology to accord more closely with the concept of parenting time, parenting responsibilities guardianship and contact instead of “child access”:
That is why this [DIVORCE ACT AMENDMENT PROPOSAL] focuses on putting the best interests of the child first, reducing conflict, addressing family violence, and encouraging parents and former spouses to meet their family support obligations.
To learn more about the new proposals to change the Divorce Act on Vancouver child custody and Vancouver parenting time and contact click here to read Hannah M. Dejong’s blog on how the changes will impact family clients and their Vancouver Child Custody Vancouver Parenting Time Lawyers. To read the BC government explanation of the new terminology and parenting time goals click here.
Best Vancouver Child Custody Parenting Time Lawyers Winning Tips
In today’s blog, Fraser MacLean of our Vancouver office provides 4 key tips.
Here are four tips for preparing your child custody affidavits or giving evidence on the stand:
- The Courts do not care about how mean she/he was to you: The Courts only care about your children’s rights, not how to get revenge on your behalf from your ex-partner. Only focus on how your partner may have mistreated or endangered your children and how he or she may play a negative effect on their upbringing. If your partner was a good mother or father during your relationship, he or she has every right to bond with your children and just as much as you. Your children should never pay for personal animosity.
- Take the high road: if your partner belittles or offends you in his or her affidavit or on the stand, do not sink down to his or her level. Rise up and show your maturity through focusing on how you bad mouthing your partner may negatively impact your children. Do tell the court that you purposely avoid talking badly about your ex-partner because as a parent you must look past personal feelings to provide the best for your children.
- Focus on the environment and opportunities for your children: ask yourself: does your home or your ex-partner’s home provide the best living condition for your children? What are some activities or schools in your area that would benefit your children? Why would your children benefit from living with you more than living with your ex-partner? Who has more time to spend with the children? Who can provide more support and stability? Who can be a better role model and why? Be specific. Give specific examples. Do not talk about your ideas or beliefs. Talk about facts and instances. Show the judge that you have thought about your children’s future and you have a concrete plan for their upbringing.
- Show the court that you know your children: Do not say you are a good mother or father. Show the court, through your memories and experiences with your children, that you know and care about them. What is your child’s favourite meal? Favourite activity? Favourite story? How close are you with your child? Imagine the judge as a stranger who knows nothing about you. How are you going to convince him or her that you are truthful and caring? By telling him or her that you are a good person or by showing him, through your actions, that you mean and can prove what you say?
Vancouver Child Custody Parenting Time Lawyers help you focus the evidence in a compelling fashion including the use of powerful executive summaries that get to the point quickly and powerfully.
The judge is a stranger and does not know the child as well as you do. Never assume. Aim to prove your case with thorough preparation and by hiring a family lawyer familiar with this complex and emotional area.
If you need help with your children’s custody, call us at any of our locations in Surrey, downtown Vancouver, and Kelowna, and Richmond or in Calgary, Alberta.
Call our top rated* Vancouver Child Custody Parenting Time Lawyers toll free at 1 877 602 9900 or fill out an initial consultation form to quickly meet with one of our family lawyers.