Our Working With Your Family Law Team Tips are designed to help you and the top family lawyers at MacLean Law create a synergy that effectively and successfully helps your resolve your family law matter. Top family lawyers know having top family paralegals and administrative professionals on the legal team lead to quality legal services […]
Calgary Child Support Special Expenses
Calgary Child support special expenses disputes deal with the necessity and reasonableness of Calgary child support special expenses and extraordinary expenses. But how are Calgary child support special expenses classified and shared between separated parents? In today’s blog, senior Calgary child support lawyer Peter Graburn of MacLean Law’s Calgary Headquarters explains the rules for how […]
Persian Iranian International Divorce Mahr Lawyers
Persian Iranian International Divorce Mahr Lawyers deal with divorce and separation cases involve the interpretation, enforcement, or variation of Iranian and Persian Islamic marriage contracts. BC court decisions on Persian Mahr contracts and Iranian Mahr contracts have varied greatly on the question of whether such religious-based contracts can be enforced in the context of family […]
Does a Stepparent Pay BC Child Support?
Does A Stepparent Pay BC Child Support? Do stepparents have stepparent child support obligations in British Columbia? If so, how much child support and for how long? What about the biological parent’s duty to pay child support? In today’s blog by Manbeen Saini, we answer the burning question concerning Does A Stepparent Pay BC Child […]
How Do I Change BC Child Support?
How Do I Change BC Child Support? is probably one of the most popular questions our top-rated family lawyers get asked. MacLean Law’s award-winning family lawyers answer this question daily and help parents increase, decrease, vary, cancel arrears and deal with material changes in the ability to pay and in the expenses for children. Changing BC […]
Sale of Family Home On Separation
Sale of Family Home On Separation lawyers understand that when a BC family separation occurs the parties will now need 2 residences instead of just one. But how will the new home be paid for while the spouses are trying to settle the issues of child parenting time, child support, spousal support and division of […]
5 Best Vancouver Support Variation Tips
5 Best Vancouver Support Variation Tips are designed to help you understand and successfully navigate changes in support after a trial or a settlement. Vancouver Support Variation Lawyers help clients deal with changes in income, assets, age of ex-spouses and children, health, and re-partnered relationships amongst other material changes. Support variations can include increases, reductions, […]
Best Judicial Case Conference JCC Tips
Best Judicial Case Conference JCC Tips will help you focus the family law issues in front of a Judge and help narrow the dispute or ideally settle your family law case at an early stage. MacLean Law’s Best Judicial Case Conference JCC Tips are designed to save you time, money and stress. Audra Bayer is […]
Vancouver Common Law Marriage Like Relationship
Vancouver Common Law Marriage Like Relationship lawyers help our family law clients seek child parenting time, child support, spousal support, and property division. New BC family law legislation now treats Vancouver Common Law Marriage Like Relationships the same as married relationships if certain conditions are met. Sophie Bartholomew, Vancouver family law associate, explains what the […]
Vancouver Spousal Support Exceptions
Vancouver spousal support exceptions under the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (“SSAG”) affect the amount and duration that spousal support is paid. Many Vancouver family law clients are surprised to learn about how important these exceptions to the amount and duration of spousal support are. Rana Yavari, one of our passionate Vancouver spousal support lawyers created […]