Vancouver Interim Spousal Support Lawyers 604-602-9000 Vancouver Interim Spousal Support Lawyers provide urgent legal assistance to ensure a spouse is properly supported until the parties can agree on a long term settlement or the court decides family issues at trial. If you’ve recently separated MacLean Law’s Vancouver interim spousal support lawyers can act quickly to […]
Calgary Spousal Support Variation Lawyers
Calgary Spousal Support Variation Lawyers 403-444-5503 Calgary Spousal Support variation lawyers deal with changes in income of the paying and receiving spouse and the impact of child support reducing as each child becomes self sufficient. Calgary Spousal Support variation Lawyers who know to plan ahead for these changes can really assist a Calgary family law […]
Vancouver Support Averaging Income Lawyers
Vancouver Support Averaging Income Lawyers analyze fluctuations in a paying parent or spouse’s income to assess a fair spousal and child support payment. A recent BC Court of Appeal case of Harras v. Lhotka allowed an appeal by a husband of a decision using his 3 year average of income instead of the 5 year average agreed […]
Calgary Interim Spousal Support Lawyer
Calgary Interim Spousal Support Lawyer 403-444-5503 An experienced Calgary Interim Spousal Support Lawyer acts to protect clients rights and ensure proper interim spousal support is paid until a judge can deal fully with the competing arguments and positions of the parties. Our Calgary Interim Spousal Support Lawyer team knows that a full trial is where the […]
Calgary Interim Spousal Support Lawyers
Calgary Interim Spousal Support Lawyers 403-444-5503 Calgary Interim Spousal Support Lawyers assist parties in obtaining an initial amount of spousal support that permits parties to meet their needs and obligations and maintain the marital standard of living if at all possible.Calgary Interim Spousal Support Lawyers know that running two households instead of one on the […]
Calgary Lump Sum Spousal Support
Calgary Lump Sum Spousal Support Calgary Lump Sum Spousal Support is often sought by one or both spouses in a Calgary spousal support case as a way to achieve finality after a Calgary family law separation. Our Calgary Lump Sum Spousal Support know that in disputed cases these Calgary Lump Sum Spousal Support awards will be rare. […]
Vancouver Cross Over Spousal Support
Vancouver Cross Over Spousal Support Alert Our top rated family lawyers warn that, clients and nonspecialist lawyers dabbling in family law, must be very aware of the Vancouver cross over spousal support issue before settling their spousal support cases. Many clients and lawyers are aware we have 2 formulas for calculating spousal support under the Spousal […]
Surrey Blameworthy Conduct and Retroactive Support
Surrey blameworthy conduct and retroactive support cases involve an assessment of the conduct by a paying spouse that can affect how far back a correction or start date for the right amount of child and spousal support goes. A Surrey Blameworthy Conduct and Retroactive Support decision was was just handed down by our highest BC Court. […]
Retroactive Spousal Support Lawyers
The retroactive spousal support lawyers at MacLean Law routinely handle cases involving a start date for spousal support and child support that pre-dates the hearing at trial on the issue of support. These earlier start date cases for spousal and child support called “retroactive support” cases involve a set of rules that can differ depending […]
Richmond Divorce and Separation Lawyers
Richmond Divorce and Separation Lawyers MacLean Family Law and its top-rated* team of Richmond Divorce and Separation lawyers is proud to announce its expansion into Richmond, B.C. effective June 1, 2016. Our new Richmond office is located on the 3rd floor of the Richmond Business Centre in the core of the energetic multicultural and world […]