Best Judicial Case Conference JCC Tips will help you focus the family law issues in front of a Judge and help narrow the dispute or ideally settle your family law case at an early stage. MacLean Law’s Best Judicial Case Conference JCC Tips are designed to save you time, money and stress. Audra Bayer is […]
Richmond Family Lawyers
Richmond Family Lawyers Tel 604-249-2149 Our Richmond family lawyers handle complex international family and excluded property cases involving worldwide assets. Our Richmond family lawyers also handle marriage and separation agreements that also involve division of international property. We have Richmond’s largest family law department that is fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese. Richmond family lawyers at […]
Surrey Family Lawyers
Our senior Surrey family lawyers are constantly updating our clients on new developments in Surrey family property division. There are two types of property under our new property division regime “family property” that is normally shared equally and “excluded property which normally has only the gain made on it during the relationship shared equally. You […]
Vancouver Forensic Audit Lawyer
Top Vancouver Family Property Lawyer, Lorne Maclean, Q.C., just obtained another massive win for a family law client involving a forensic audit to discover hidden income and assets.
South Asian family lawyers
The South Asian community is a broad and diverse community that varies not only by ethnicity, geographies, history, culture, religion and immigration generations; rather, is further stratified through a Western/Eastern interactive experience.