Our top-rated lawyers routinely represent family law clients in cases involving Setting Aside Marriage Separation Agreements. The new BC Supreme Court case of Y.L v G.L. 2020 BCSC 808 provides an amazing summary of how courts decide Setting Aside Marriage Separation Agreements disputes. Lorne MacLean, QC leads our team of property, support, and child parenting […]
Marriage Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers
Vancouver Marriage Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers help parties get on the same page concerning how their marriage or marriage-like relationship will be structured while they are together and how things will be sorted out if the relationship ends. Maclean Law has 6 offices across BC and in Calgary where our marriage prenuptial agreement lawyers operate from. […]
Vancouver Common Law Marriage Like Relationship
Vancouver Common Law Marriage Like Relationship lawyers help our family law clients seek child parenting time, child support, spousal support, and property division. New BC family law legislation now treats Vancouver Common Law Marriage Like Relationships the same as married relationships if certain conditions are met. Sophie Bartholomew, Vancouver family law associate, explains what the […]
Unfair Family Agreements Lawyers
Unfair Family Agreements Lawyers help parties set aside, vary, or enforce cohabitation, prenuptial, marriage and separation agreements. The Family Relations Act applied a test of “unfairness” and our new Family Law Act raised the bar and requires proof of “significant unfairness to vary a family property agreement. However, Unfair Family Agreements Lawyers can apply to […]
New Calgary Common Law Property Rights
New Calgary Common Law Property Rights are coming soon. Peter Graburn explains the New Calgary Common Law Property Rights which will have unmarried couples receive the same matrimonial property division rights as married couples. PROPOSED CHANGES TO COMMON LAW RIGHTS IN ALBERTA – A Real Game-Changer In previous posts I have discussed the different ways married […]
Vancouver BC Family Debt Lawyers
Vancouver BC Family Debt Lawyers explain: What is Vancouver BC family debt? In today’s family law blog, Rana Yavari, articled student, at our team of top rated* Vancouver BC Family Debt Lawyers explains What is Vancouver BC family debt? Family debts include debts or financial obligations incurred by either spouse during the course of their relationship (namely […]
Calgary Cohabitation Prenup Agreements Lawyers
Calgary Cohabitation Prenup Agreements lawyers help prepare, defend and in some cases set aside cohabitation, prenuptial agreements and marriage agreements. So, how does a court intervene to change or set aside a Calgary cohabitation agreement or Calgary prenuptial agreement ? In today’s blog one of our of experienced senior Calgary Cohabitation Prenup Agreements Lawyers at MacLean […]
High Net Worth Calgary Family Lawyers
Skilled senior High Net Worth Calgary Family Lawyers are invaluable allies when you have a “bet the bank” high stakes spousal and child support and matrimonial and exempt property division case in Calgary. Peter Graburn and Lorne MacLean, QC our senior High Net Worth Calgary Family Lawyers, deftly handle these cases so your income and assets […]
Vancouver Unfair Wills Spousal Dispute
Award winning Vancouver Unfair Wills Spousal Dispute lawyers at MacLean law know people are already in shock when their spouse dies but it just becomes even more upsetting when their spouse has left them out of their Will. A Vancouver Unfair Wills Spousal Dispute involves assessing properly whether the deceased spouse met their legal and moral obligation […]