Our Vancouver Family Property Division lawyers are constantly reviewing court decisions relating to family property division in BC. Non disclosure has been called the cancer of family law litigation and lawyers and judges are fed up. On separation, division of family property is a highly contested issue and our Vancouver Family Property Division lawyers negotiate and litigate […]
Voice of The Child Parenting Time Lawyers
Our top Voice of The Child Parenting Time Lawyers explain the current state of the law on the issue. Both Provincial and Federal Legislation like the BC Family Law Act, Alberta’s Family Law Act and The federal Divorce Act all say the wishes of a child are an important factor. So at what age and […]
Vancouver BC Prenup Agreement Lawyers
Vancouver BC Prenup Agreement Lawyers know that raising the issue of a Vancouver BC prenup or cohabitation agreement can be a touchy situation. Our highly rated prenuptial and marriage agreement lawyers handle medium to high net worth wealth protection and planning agreements on a daily basis. Tal Wolf wrote today’s article that may well be […]
How Do I Win My BC Supreme Court Family Trial?
How do I win my BC Supreme Court Family Trial? This key question in answered by Shanna Gill, our hardworking paralegal at our Surrey BC office. A question you must ask yourself if you are in a legal family battle is “How do I win my BC Supreme Court Family Trial?” This is a crucial […]
In today’s blog, paralegal Carly Crawford explains the basics of BC Separation Agreements. If you are about to, or have separated, you are probably wondering whether you need a BC separation agreement. We understand that BC separation agreements may seem intimidating and even a little daunting. That is why at MacLean Law, we have top […]
High Net Worth Interim Spousal Support
High Net Worth Interim Spousal Support cases are often “bet the bank” and “I’m all in” disputes. Seeking tens of thousands of dollars a month or defending against such a huge claim is stressful and you need to ensure your “ducks are in a row”. It makes sense to hire a seasoned family lawyer with […]
BC and Alberta Family Law Arbitration
BC and Alberta Family Law Arbitration is a mechanism to help family law clients resolve their disputes efficiently. In today’s blog, senior Calgary family lawyer Peter Graburn discusses the benefits and limits for clients thinking about family law arbitration in Western Canada. Separation and divorce can be difficult – the process for resolving these disputes […]
Vancouver Separation Agreement Lawyers
Our top rated Vancouver separation agreement lawyers routinely negotiate and mediate Vancouver separation agreement cases. We will negotiate a fair separation agreement only after obtaining full disclosure in any case involving a Vancouver separation agreement and explain to our clients how fairly negotiated agreements need to be followed to avoid any nasty surprises. Top three […]
Effective Family Mediators Resolve Matters
Effective Family Mediators Resolve Matters and end family law disputes efficiently and cost effectively. Family cases are stressful and when family clients have divergent opinions on what is fair, legal fees can be expensive. Sometimes court is needed but many times it is not. Top family mediators like Tal Wolf and at MacLean law help […]
Best Without Notice Family Orders Lawyers
When you have a high stakes emergency family law case, you need the best without notice family orders lawyers. These orders may include section 91, injunctions under the Supreme Court family rules and worldwide Mareva injunctions. It makes good sense to hire the Best Without Notice Family Orders Lawyers when the case involves millions and/or […]