The award winning lawyers at Maclean Family Law regularly deal with Vancouver BC Setting Aside Separation Agreements disputes. So, what are the rules for Vancouver BC Setting Aside Separation Agreements? Our new Family law Act sets a higher threshold for setting aside BC separation agreements. The Family Relations Act property division provisions were criticized by family lawyers […]
Calgary Property Separation Agreement Lawyers
Calgary Property Separation Agreement Lawyers help Calgary family clients value and divide matrimonial property. Experienced Calgary Property Separation Agreement Lawyers also explain to Calgary family law clients how some types of property are excluded from sharing such as exempt property such as inheritances, gifts and property one spouse had prior to the marriage. Gains in […]
Calgary Separation Agreements Child Custody Guardianship
Our skilled and experienced Calgary Separation Agreements Child Custody Guardianship lawyers calm our family law clients when we explain that less than 5 % of Calgary family law disputes end up in the courtroom. Our Calgary Separation Agreements Child Custody Guardianship lawyers think it makes better sense for you to spend your hard earned money on […]
Best* Vancouver Separation Agreement Lawyers
Best* Vancouver Separation Agreement Lawyers such as Lorne N. MacLean, QC at MacLean Law protect and ensure that Vancouver separation agreements are aggressively and fairly negotiated so their medium to high net worth family law clients are winners. In a recent case upholding a separation agreement Lorne N. Maclean QC’s sage advice paid off big […]
BC Separation Agreement Spousal Support
BC Separation Agreement Spousal Support lawyers review BC and Calgary separation agreements for fairness in negotiation and operation. Parties are encouraged to enter into BC Separation Agreement Spousal Support contracts. Fairly negotiated BC Separation Agreement Spousal Support Disputes contracts will be respected but unfair ones can be varied or ignored. Call our award winning family […]
Vancouver Unconscionable Separation Agreements
Fair Vancouver separation agreements are encouraged in BC but Vancouver and other Canadian Courts have routinely set aside Vancouver Unconscionable Separation Agreements. Our Vancouver Unconscionable Separation Agreements lawyers like the New York Court of Appeals decision in Christain on what unconscionable means in the context of Vancouver separation agreements which states: unconscionable bargain has […]
Richmond Divorce and Separation Lawyers
Richmond Divorce and Separation Lawyers MacLean Family Law and its top-rated* team of Richmond Divorce and Separation lawyers is proud to announce its expansion into Richmond, B.C. effective June 1, 2016. Our new Richmond office is located on the 3rd floor of the Richmond Business Centre in the core of the energetic multicultural and world […]
Surrey Separation Agreement Lawyers
Our Surrey separation agreement lawyers are pleased that our new BC Family Law Act encourages out of court settlements. The BC Family Law Act also emphasizes that separation agreements are a viable, independent and binding option for resolving family law disputes involving child parenting, support and property division and valuation disputes. Out of court settlements […]
Family Arbitrators and Parenting Arrangements
Our family arbitrators and parenting arrangements lawyers are at the leading edge of a new family law resolution process. Many questions remain to be answered. How much power and authority should be granted to an arbitrator in a family arbitrators and parenting arrangements dispute? Can a family arbitrators and parenting arrangements dispute that is heard by an […]
Vancouver Double Dipping Spousal Support
MacLean Law is one of British Columbia’s largest and most experienced group of Vancouver Double Dipping Spousal Support lawyers. Our Vancouver Double Dipping Spousal Support act out of 4 offices across British Columbia located in Vancouver, South Surrey, Kelowna and Fort St John. We are also opening a Calgary office June 1, 2016. You can meet […]