The Use of Secret Recordings in Family Litigation: Smoking Gun? Often in separation or divorce, people wonder if it is appropriate to surreptitiously record, or film, private conversations with their partner. In today’s blog, savvy litigator Chris Park of our Vancouver office discusses Secret Recordings in Family Litigation. This may be done for a number […]
Best BC Parental Alienation Strategies
MacLean Law’s family lawyers provide the Best BC parental alienation strategies. New studies by Amy Baker and others have established a comprehensive set of factors to guide separated spouses, courts and lawyers. This new set of factors help courts decide if parental alienation is in fact occurring or whether a child’s rejection of one parent […]
Children’s Wishes Counsel and Voice of Child
Children’s Wishes Counsel and Voice of Child representation is becoming more common in child parenting time and responsibilities disputes. Hearing the “Voice of the Child” is becoming increasingly important in high-conflict family law disputes these days. In today’s blog, senior Children’s Wishes Counsel and Voice of Child lawyer Peter Graburn explains when a lawyer may […]
Retroactive Spousal Support and Delay
What happens in retroactive spousal support and delay cases? Often times the reason for the delay and the actions of both the higher earning spouse and the spouse who may have a compensatory or needs based spousal support claim will be a key deciding factor. If you are the person needing spousal support, procrastination is […]
Voice of The Child Parenting Time Lawyers
Our top Voice of The Child Parenting Time Lawyers explain the current state of the law on the issue. Both Provincial and Federal Legislation like the BC Family Law Act, Alberta’s Family Law Act and The federal Divorce Act all say the wishes of a child are an important factor. So at what age and […]
Vancouver Child Support and BC Child Maintenance
Vancouver child support and BC child maintenance is a fundamental component of a robust Canadian society. With 50% of relationships with children ending in separation: properly paid, and promptly corrected Vancouver child is critical. If children are not properly supported by both of their parents working to their capacity, both through parenting time and through […]
Vancouver BC Prenup Agreement Lawyers
Vancouver BC Prenup Agreement Lawyers know that raising the issue of a Vancouver BC prenup or cohabitation agreement can be a touchy situation. Our highly rated prenuptial and marriage agreement lawyers handle medium to high net worth wealth protection and planning agreements on a daily basis. Tal Wolf wrote today’s article that may well be […]
Best 3 Vancouver Child Support Lawyer Tips
Our Best 3 Vancouver Child Support Lawyer Tips are provided today by MacLean Law’s downtown star associate Sophie Bartholomew. Our Vancouver child support lawyers act across BC, in Calgary Alberta and in Toronto. Different rules apply to calculating child support when: the parents share or split up the care of children as compared to one […]
How Do I Win My BC Supreme Court Family Trial?
How do I win my BC Supreme Court Family Trial? This key question in answered by Shanna Gill, our hardworking paralegal at our Surrey BC office. A question you must ask yourself if you are in a legal family battle is “How do I win my BC Supreme Court Family Trial?” This is a crucial […]
In today’s blog, paralegal Carly Crawford explains the basics of BC Separation Agreements. If you are about to, or have separated, you are probably wondering whether you need a BC separation agreement. We understand that BC separation agreements may seem intimidating and even a little daunting. That is why at MacLean Law, we have top […]