MacLean Law’s High Net Worth Mandarin Family Lawyers won Canadian Family Law Firm of The Year for 2024. Our winning High Net Worth Chinese Speaking Family Lawyers know in multimillion dollar and even in billion dollar Chinese speaking family law cases, that hundreds and often thousands of WeChat messages, real estate and company documents need […]
Imputing High Income Spousal and Child Support in BC
What is the test for Imputing High Income Spousal and Child Support? Fraser MacLean has had a number of recent wins Imputing High Income Spousal and Child Support and he and summer student Arissa Javer share the test for winning these cases. Vancouver Imputing High Income Spousal and Child Support in BC Tel: 604 602 9000 […]
Best Calgary Family Lawyers
The Best Calgary Family Lawyers help clients deal with divorce, separation, child custody, spousal and child support, and matrimonial property division issues. Our firm has numerous precedent setting high net worth family law and divorce wins. Our high net worth Calgary family lawyers handle select high net worth family law disputes and attempts to settle […]
Improperly Obtained Surreptitious Evidence in Family Law Disputes
Our high net with family lawyers regularly deal with Improperly Obtained Surreptitious Evidence in Family Law Disputes. Getting to the truth is important. We have succeeded in using tape recorded evidence concerning family violence and relationship support evidence in a $150,000,000 family law dispute. Family law cases in Canada are determined (whether by a Judge […]
Imputed Higher Income For Child Support
MacLean Law’s win of $100,000 monthly spousal support and $16,000 monthly child support for one child set the record for Imputed Higher Income For Child Support in BC. Fraser MacLean, recently won an inputed income case for his delighted client where a husband saying he earned only $150,000 was found to have an imputed income […]
Child Relocation and Moving Away
Child Relocation and Moving Away cases are often the most difficult ones that our Canadian Family Law Firm of the Year lawyers handle. Calgary Child Relocation and Moving Away Tel: 403 444 5503 One of the most difficult decisions a custodial parent (or Family Law Judge/Arbitrator) can make is the decision to move a child to […]
Best Vancouver Family Lawyers
Who are the Best Vancouver Family Lawyers? MacLean Law just won Best Family Law Firm In Canada which is an amazing achievement and a testament to the dedication, huge wins for our high net worth clients and our advancement of family law in Canada. We believe family law is the most important law in Canada […]
Hague Child Abduction and Habitual Residence Lawyers
MacLean Law’s Hague Child Abduction and Habitual Residence Lawyers want the public to understand that The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction [Hague Convention] is a multilateral treaty, entered into force in 1983, that numerous countries, including Canada and the United States, have joined. In today’s blog energetic Allard Law School […]
Best Calgary Divorce Lawyers
Our Best* Calgary Divorce Lawyers will help you negotiate a settlement that allows for an uncontested divorce with agreed financial and child parenting and guardianship relief. Our modern approach is to negotiate, mediate and arbitrate a fair settlement and failing that we will tenaciously proceed to trial. MacLean Law’s expanded Calgary divorce lawyers office medium […]
캐나다 BC주 밴쿠버 결혼/이혼 관련 계약서: 법원을 피하는 방법
캐나다 BC주 밴쿠버 결혼/이혼 관련 계약서: 법원을 피하는 방법 오늘은 BC 주에서 동거, 혼인, 혹은 별거를 계획하는 커플들이 어떻게 하면 자신의 법적 권리를 미리 보호받을 수 있으며, 복잡한 소송 과정과 스트레스 받는 법원 출두 등의 시나리오를 피할 수 있는 방법을 알아보겠습니다. BC에 거주하는 한국인 커플들은 보통 금액이나 언어 등의 문제로 최대한 법원을 피하는 […]