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Best* Calgary Family Lawyers

The Best* Calgary Family Lawyers help clients deal with divorce, separation, child custody, spousal and child support, and matrimonial property division issues. Founder, Lorne MacLean, QC has been named by Canadian Lawyer Magazine as one of the Top 25 Influential Lawyers in Canada. MacLean Law’s Calgary Family Lawyers office and MacLean Law is a 5 […]

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Best Calgary Divorce Lawyers

Our Best* Calgary Divorce Lawyers will help you negotiate a settlement that allows for an uncontested divorce with agreed financial and child parenting and guardianship relief. Our modern approach is to negotiate, mediate and arbitrate a fair settlement and failing that we will tenaciously proceed to trial. MacLean Law’s expanded Calgary divorce lawyers office medium […]

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Family Law Contempt Lawyers

MacLean Law’s Family Law Contempt Lawyers handle enforcement of family law orders across Canada. Unless family law court orders are obeyed a significant portion of Canadians suffer unnecessarily. In today’s article by Peter Graburn one of our senior Calgary family lawyers, we explain some of our recent record successes in this area and the law […]

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Preventing Dissipation of Calgary Family Property

Preventing Dissipation of Calgary Family Property is a key step taken in Calgary family property cases. Senior MacLean Law family lawyer Peter Graburn sets out how you can protect yourself. Calling one of our skilled senior Preventing Dissipation of Calgary Family Property lawyers immediately can say you millions. Vancouver Mareva Injunction Preventing Family Property Dissipation […]

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What is Alberta Family Violence?

What is Alberta Family Violence? In today’s blog, Calgary and Alberta family violence protection lawyer Kaye Booth explains what it is and how it can be prevented and promptly dealt with. Calgary Family Lawyers Can Help You Stay Safe 403 444 5503 Alberta Family violence can be difficult to define, despite attempts of legislation to […]

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New Divorce Act Family Violence

New Divorce Act Family Violence rules will be in effect in early 2021. The new law focuses on prevention and protection from family violence. Peter Graburn, senior MacLean Law Associate explains the new focus on protecting you and your children. New Divorce Act Family Violence These continue to be unsettled times. The COVID-19 pandemic continues […]

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Dealing With Narcissists During Divorce

Dealing With Narcissists During Divorce is a stressful and often exhausting task. Our top-rated* Calgary divorce lawyers and BC family law lawyers help Calgary divorce and BC family law clients deal with these difficult and toxic personalities. Peter Graburn, a senior Calgary family lawyer, provides this great article on how to stop a narcissist’s antics […]

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Calgary Division Of Stock Options On Separation

Calgary Division of Stock Options on Separation is an important question our Calgary family lawyers deal with related to Calgary and Alberta division of matrimonial property. In today’s blog, Brianne Beckie, Student-at-Law at our Calgary office explains how the matrimonial property division of stock options works. She works with Peter Graburn to provide our Calgary […]

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Calgary Stay Of Support Enforcement

Calgary Stay Of Support Enforcement applications can be brought by a spouse who was ordered to pay spousal support or Calgary child support.  Aside from dealing with parenting of children and the division of their common property, separating couples (whether married or common-law) also have to deal with their on-going financial responsibilities to their children […]

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Calgary Matrimonial Home Exclusive Possession

Calgary Matrimonial Home Exclusive Possession cases are important to our Calgary family law clients and this step often happens early in Calgary family law proceedings. This is the third in a series of blogs on how the Alberta family home is treated on separation. Senior Calgary family lawyers member, Peter Graburn explains how Calgary Matrimonial […]

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