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Drawing on the depth and breadth of our expertise, we’ll help you distill the complicated so you can break through to strategic and positive family solutions.

Best Calgary Divorce Lawyers

Our Best* Calgary Divorce Lawyers will help you negotiate a settlement that allows for an uncontested divorce with agreed financial and child parenting and guardianship relief. Our modern approach is to negotiate, mediate and arbitrate a fair settlement and failing that we will tenaciously proceed to trial. MacLean Law’s expanded Calgary divorce lawyers office medium […]

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캐나다 BC주 밴쿠버 결혼/이혼 관련 계약서: 법원을 피하는 방법

캐나다 BC주 밴쿠버 결혼/이혼 관련 계약서: 법원을 피하는 방법   오늘은  BC 주에서 동거, 혼인, 혹은 별거를 계획하는 커플들이 어떻게 하면 자신의 법적 권리를 미리 보호받을 수 있으며, 복잡한 소송 과정과 스트레스 받는 법원 출두 등의 시나리오를 피할 수 있는 방법을 알아보겠습니다.   BC에 거주하는 한국인 커플들은 보통 금액이나 언어 등의 문제로 최대한 법원을 피하는 […]

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Can I Waive Child Support in Canada?

Can I Waive Child Support in Canada? This is a question our top rated family lawyers get asked frequently. The answer is no except in special circumstances where there is shared parenting with equal incomes of both parents, a large lump sum payment or a longstanding inability to pay that might under special circumstances be […]

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Stopping Fake BC AI Legal Cases

Canada’s first stopping fake BC AI legal cases occurred in late 2023 and early 2024  when MacLean Law lawyers Fraser and Lorne MacLean KC successfully blocked fake legal cases generated by CHATGPT from being relied upon by the BC Supreme Court after they and their client were put to the expense of  exposing fake cases […]

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Family Violence and Child Parenting Time

Family Violence and Child Parenting Time is a key topic courts now deal with on a daily basis. A new BC Court of Appeal decision decided whether violence directed towards a parent constitutes family violence in order to determine the best interests of the children. in todays blog Kanika Bajaj one of our amazing Articling […]

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Best Victoria Family Divorce Lawyers

The Best Victoria Family Divorce Lawyers provide strategic counsel to allow Victoria family law clients to resolve challenging family law disputes involving children, support, and Victoria family property division. MacLean Law’s  downtown Victoria family law and estate litigation office is located at Suite A02- 810 Humboldt Street. Call us at 250 434 5794 to get […]

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Vancouver Discretionary Trust Family Lawyers

Vancouver Discretionary Trust Family Lawyers are frequently asked: what happens to the assets in a Discretionary Trust upon the breakdown of a relationship? This question was recently considered in the case of Cottrell v. Cottrell, 2022 BCSC 1607. The case went up to the BC Court of Appeal which upheld the lower court decision. The […]

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MacLean Family Law Wins Canada’s Top Family Law Firm

MacLean Family Law wins Vancouver’s Top Choice award for Top Family Law Firm for 2024 – our tenth time accepting the prestigious first place award. With an enviable track record from multiple wins at the Supreme Court of Canada, the BC Supreme Court, and the BC Court of Appeal, we continue to bring justice to […]

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With Child Spousal Support Duration

With Child Spousal Support Duration lawyers help you understand the answers to: How does spousal support duration work when you have children? In today’s blog on: How does spousal support duration work when you have children?, UBC Allard law student Arissa Javer explains the rules. Arissa spent time understanding family law with Lorne N MacLean, […]

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Valuation Of Third Party Discretionary Trusts On Separation

The valuation of third party discretionary trusts on separation has sparked disputes between family lawyers and trust lawyers, and even more so for separating family law clients. A blockbuster BC Court of Appeal case of Cottrell was released at the end of December 2023. Cottrell v Cottrell provides guidance for family law clients and their […]

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