Wealthy Child Support Pre-Tax Profits Lawyers at MacLean Law understand how to determine proper income for spousal and child support cases when incomes are in the millions. The number one mistake people make when they have a case involving business owners is using the personal tax returns of the paying and receiving spouses. Don’t leave […]
BC Family Property Dowry Mahr
BC Family Property Dowry Mahr Lawyers handle cases involving the interplay between division of BC family property with cultural and traditional marriage contracts. MacLean Law has won the Top Choice, Best Vancouver Family Law Firm multiple times and the last 10 years straight. Our family property and debt division lawyers handle all types of family […]
高资产净值中文家庭法律师 Who are the best Vancouver Mandarin Chinese speaking family lawyers? MacLean Law has one of the largest and most successful Vancouver Mandarin Chinese speaking family lawyers, Vancouver Cantonese speaking family lawyers, and Vancouver Korean speaking family lawyers. 在迈林律师事务所,高资产净值中文家庭法律师,为您提供以下家庭法诉讼需求: 跨国家庭法财产及抚养费纠纷,包括涉及适用法律的选择,例如中国婚姻法或卑诗省法律的选择及审理案件国家的选择; 跨国子女抚养诉讼案件,涉及管辖权的选择及子女归返或不可归返法庭令; 子女抚养及监护权纠纷,迈林律师们了解您的文化背景; 涉及新伴侣及子女的抚养纠纷; 复杂的家庭纠纷,涉及某人拥有的资产注册在另一人的名下; 高资产净值配偶赡养费及子女抚养费的协商及诉讼; 涉及全球的高净值资产分割; 协商婚前及婚内协议,评估通过未完全信息披露或不公平手段签署的任何不公平的和自行起草的协议的公平性; 回归信托及家庭除外财产民事诉讼,涉及财产是由配偶一方的父母赠与或借贷所得; 财产及人身安全保护令 我们温哥华高资产净值中文家庭法律师代理过许多中国高资产净值家庭法案件,包括媒体报道的许多开创先例的法院判决。 查阅我们在加拿大高等法院的胜诉案件,在此案中对方(丈夫)向我方委托人索赔5000万加元却分文未得。 请联系我们,中文热线: 604 682 6466.请相信我们了解您的文化差异,给予您尊重并谨慎代理您的诉讼案件。 […]
Oral Family Property Agreements Lawyers
Oral Family Property Agreements Lawyers help you paper a deal so you save thousands if not millions. It is well known that fairly negotiated written family agreements can have a significant impact on family law disputes in the courts. Surprisingly to many family law clients, In British Columbia, oral family agreements regarding property division are […]
Best Vancouver Family Property Division Lawyers
Our Vancouver Family Property Division lawyers are constantly reviewing court decisions relating to family property division in BC. Non disclosure has been called the cancer of family law litigation and lawyers and judges are fed up. On separation, division of family property is a highly contested issue and our Vancouver Family Property Division lawyers negotiate and litigate […]
Vancouver BC Prenup Agreement Lawyers
Vancouver BC Prenup Agreement Lawyers know that raising the issue of a Vancouver BC prenup or cohabitation agreement can be a touchy situation. Our highly rated prenuptial and marriage agreement lawyers handle medium to high net worth wealth protection and planning agreements on a daily basis. Tal Wolf wrote today’s article that may well be […]
Best Prenup Cohabitation Agreement Lawyers
Best Prenup Cohabitation Agreement Lawyers understand people in a new committed relationship wonder whether it makes sense to plan for the future in the good times in case their relationship does not work out. Tal Wolf, our Vancouver based senior marriage agreement lawyer explains the pros and cons of prenuptial and marriage agreements. Should I […]
Are Vancouver Marriage Agreements Enforceable?
Are Vancouver Marriage Agreements Enforceable? The answer is: that depends. Vancouver marriage agreements that are fairly negotiated and that reasonably contemplated how the marriage actually played out are likely to be upheld. Unfairly negotiated agreements or fairly negotiated agreements that did not predict how the marriage developed are likely to be set aside entirely or […]
Calgary Edmonton Marriage Agreement Lawyers
Calgary Edmonton Marriage Agreement Lawyers help parties entering into marriage create a mutually agreed framework to guide their marital obligations and rights and a plan to fairly allocate family property and debt and financial resources if the marriage ends. Our lawyers also help negotiate and draft Calgary Edmonton prenuptial agreements and Calgary Edmonton cohabitation agreements. […]
Best Vancouver Marriage Agreements Lawyers
The best Vancouver marriage agreements lawyers help potential newlyweds and couples entering marriage-like relationships plan during the good times how their relationship will be governed while they together and how things will be dealt with in the event the relationship ends. A marriage agreement or prenup deals with financial issues for couples who are getting […]