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Best Vancouver Family Lawyers

Who are the Best Vancouver Family Lawyers? We just won Best Family Law Firm In Canada which is an amazing achievement and a testament to the dedication, huge wins for our high net worth clients and our advancement of family law in Canada. We believe family law is the most important law in Canada as […]

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Fort St John Family Lawyers

Fort St John Family Lawyers are a hardy breed and the family and estate litigation lawyers at MacLean Law bring the same passion and entrepreneurial spirit to the table as do the hard-working people of Fort St John and Dawson Creek. In today’s blog, Jaye Rutledge, one of our two resident North Peace lawyers, and […]

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Best Judicial Case Conference JCC Tips

Best Judicial Case Conference JCC Tips will help you focus the family law issues in front of a Judge and help narrow the dispute or ideally settle your family law case at an early stage. MacLean Law’s Best Judicial Case Conference JCC Tips are designed to save you time, money and stress. Audra Bayer is […]

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Top Rated* Vancouver BC Family Lawyers

Top rated* Vancouver BC Family Lawyers help you settle your family case and if that isn’t possible they help you obtain a just result in court. We are always honoured when clients tell us how much they appreciate our efforts on their behalf. Today we share one of the testimonials so you get to know […]

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Top* Vancouver Family Lawyers

Are you looking for Top Vancouver Family Lawyers? MacLean Law has some of the Top Vancouver Family Lawyers as selected by satisfied clients and prestigious TOP CHOICE AWARDS. Our lawyers can be reached in Vancouver, Calgary, Surrey, Kelowna, Fort St John and Richmond BC. We are delighted to announce that the Vancouver Family Lawyers 2018 award […]

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BC Parental Loans and Debts

BC Parental Loans and Debts Alert. Our BC parental loans and debts lawyers see more than spouses fighting in court after a marriage breaks down. Our BC Family Law Act cases can involve more than the two spouses when parents of one of the spouses are involved with advancing money to the couple. BC Parental Loans and […]

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Fort St John High Net Worth Family Lawyer

Call Our Fort St John High Net Worth Family Lawyers at 250-262-5052. Fort St John family lawyer and Vancouver senior lawyer Lorne MacLean, QC is the founder of MacLean Law, one of the top rated family law firms in Canada. Mr. MacLean leads our 15 lawyer family law team and handles our most complex and challenging family […]

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