Best BC PNP Tech Pilot Nominee immigration tips are designed to answer your immigration questions and to increase your chances of success in immigrating to British Columbia. In the last blog, we briefly introduced to you the BC Provincial Nominee Program (“BC PNP”). The BC government has recently removed the Guaranteed Invitation scores which means […]
BC Owner/Operator LMIA Labour Market Impact Assessments
BC Owner/Operator LMIA Labour Market Impact Assessments immigration lawyers help owners and operators of businesses compete and to increase their profits. In our last blog, we talked about the Labour Market Impact Assessment (“LMIA”) applications for hiring temporary foreign workers. Traditional LMIA applications are not easily approved by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)/Service Canada […]
Best Vancouver Immigration Lawyer Tips
Best Vancouver Immigration Lawyer Tips are provided again today by MacLean Law Immigration. An immigration application is a very critical matter for any applicant. A new Canadian Immigration mandate was just released. In many cases, a small error in the details of an application may jeopardize the entire application and lead to its refusal. Moreover, […]
Calgary Division Of Stock Options On Separation
Calgary Division of Stock Options on Separation is an important question our Calgary family lawyers deal with related to Calgary and Alberta division of matrimonial property. In today’s blog, Brianne Beckie, Student-at-Law at our Calgary office explains how the matrimonial property division of stock options works. She works with Peter Graburn to provide our Calgary […]
Marriage Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers
Vancouver Marriage Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers help parties get on the same page concerning how their marriage or marriage-like relationship will be structured while they are together and how things will be sorted out if the relationship ends. Maclean Law has 6 offices across BC and in Calgary where our marriage prenuptial agreement lawyers operate from. […]
Will Your Marriage End In Divorce?
Will Your Marriage End In Divorce? Frankly, the odds are high that your marriage or relationship will not succeed. When you enter a marriage or a long term marriage-like relationship you are entering a relationship lottery. You have ONLY a 50 percent chance of success BUT if you succeed the rewards are priceless. Here is […]
Best Vancouver Surrey Immigration Lawyers Tips
Best Vancouver Surrey Immigration Lawyers Tips are provided today by Manbeen Saini of our Vancouver and Surrey immigration lawyers law office. People from all over the world move to Canada for various reasons including working, studying, visiting, and/or permanently settling. Regardless of the reason, the first thing to consider is the application process. People may […]
Avoid Family Law Non-Disclosure Mistakes
Avoid Family Law Non-Disclosure Mistakes if you want to increase your chances of success in your BC or Calgary family law case. Today Jeremy Thomsen discusses the pitfalls of not providing Disclosure in your family law case. Both parties in a family law proceeding must disclose any documents relevant to the case and the litigation. […]
Calgary Parental Alienation Estrangement Lawyers
Calgary Parental Alienation Estrangement Lawyers help children and their parents deal with a family dysfunction associated with relationship breakdown. In today’s blog, by Peter Graburn of our downtown Calgary family lawyers and Calgary Parental Alienation Estrangement Lawyers’ team, explains strategies to deal with what is a serious issue in high conflict separations. Calgary Parental Alienation […]
Vancouver Immigration Parents and Grandparents PGP
This Vancouver Immigration Parents and Grandparents “PGP” update alert is provided by our Vancouver immigration lawyers department. Contact us toll-free at 1-877-602-9900 or direct to our Chinese language line at 604-682-6466. Vancouver Immigration Parents and Grandparents PGP 1 877 602 9900 The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (“IRCC”) announced in December 2019 that it would […]